Sunday, August 5, 2012

Uterine endometrial cancer symptoms, stages, treatment | Symptoms ...

Uterine endometrial cancer symptoms, stages, treatment.


The?endometrial cancer?is a common type of cancer in women, in which cells are cancerous (malignant) in the inner lining (endometrium) of the uterus.

The uterus is the hollow organ, inverted pear-shaped, where the fetus develops.

Endometrial cancer is different from?cervical cancer?, and cancer of the uterine muscles, called?sarcoma?.

Like most cancers, endometrial cancer is best treated when detected early.?Initial symptoms may be any of the following:

Endometrial cancer has been detected in some breast cancer patients have been treated with the hormone tamoxifen.

Diagnostic Tests

1.?Pelvic exam?.?During the exam, the doctor will do a palpation to detect lumps or changes in the shape of the uterus.

2.?Pap test?, using a piece of cotton, a brush or toothpick to gently scrape the outside of the cervix (opening to the uterus) and vagina to collect cells.

3.?Dilation and curettage (D & C)?to remove pieces of endometrium.?The opening of the cervix is expanded with a spoon-shaped instrument and the walls of the uterus is scraped gently to remove a piece of tissue.This tissue is then examined for cancer cells.

The chance of recovery (prognosis) and choice of treatment depend on the stage (or?stage?) in which the cancer (if only in the endometrium or whether it has spread to other parts of the uterus or other body parts) and health status in general.?In an early stage, the probability of recovery may depend on whether the female hormones (progesterone) are affecting the growth of cancer.

Stages Or Stages Of Endometrial Cancer

The following stages are used in the classification of endometrial cancer:

Stage I.?The cancer is in the main body of the uterus only, and does not invade the tissues of the cervix.

Stage II.?Cancer cells have spread to the cervix.

Stage III.?Cancer cells have spread outside the uterus, but have not spread outside the pelvis.

Stage IV.?Cancer cells have spread outside the pelvis, other body parts, to the urinary bladder or rectum.

Appellant.?Recurrent disease (?relapse?) means the cancer has returned after having been treated.

Treatment Of Uterine Endometrial Cancer

There are treatments for all patients with cervical cancer.?Using three kinds of treatment:

-?surgery?(removing the cancer in an operation)

-?radiotherapy?(high-energy radiation to kill cancerous cells)

-?chemotherapy?(drugs or ?poison? to kill cancerous cells).

-?Hormone therapy?(using female hormones to eliminate malignant cells).

Surgery is the most common treatment for endometrial cancer.?The cancer is usually removed by ahysterectomy?, an operation that removes the entire uterus.

  • Abdominal hysterectomy.?The uterus is removed through an incision in the abdomen.?It may also be necessary to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes?(bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy)?.
  • Radical hysterectomy?is an operation that removes the cervix, uterus and part of the vagina.?Also removed lymph nodes in the area.?(The?lymph nodes?are small structures in the form of beans that are found throughout the body and they produce and store cells that fight infection, but may contain cancer cells).

Cancer Treatment By Stages

Treatments for endometrial cancer depend on the stage is the disease, tumor size, age and general health.

Stage I?.?Treatment may be (see previous explanation):

1.?Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral sapping-oophorectomy, and lymph node dissection.?Radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy after surgery.

2.?Radiation therapy alone for selected patients.

Stage II?.?Treatment may include:

1.?Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral sapping-hysterectomy, and lymph node dissection.?Radiotherapy after surgery.

2.?Prior radiation therapy followed by total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral sapping-hysterectomy, and lymph node dissection.

3.?Radical hysterectomy.

Stage III?.?Treatment may include:

1.?Radical hysterectomy, usually followed by radiation therapy.

2.?Radiation therapy alone.

3.?Hormone therapy or hormone therapy.

Stage IV?: Treatment may include:


2.?Hormone therapy.

3.?Clinical trials of chemotherapy.

Relapses?: Treatment of recurrence may be:

1.?Radiation therapy to relieve symptoms such as pain, nausea and abnormal bowel function.

2.Terapia hormone.

3.?Clinical trials of chemotherapy.


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