Thursday, August 9, 2012

Spider Vein Treatments ? Beauty, Health and Fitness

When most people hear ?spider veins? (SV), they associate them with the legs. While it is true that SV occur most commonly in the legs, they can actually appear anywhere on the body. They are not harmful, but can make people self conscious about their appearance. This article will give a brief overview of SV and the treatment options available to get rid of them.


Spider veins, scientifically called Telangiectasias, are swollen or enlarged blood vessels that appear at the surface of the skin. After blood has delivered nutrients to the body, it travels back to the heart to replenish itself via the veins. In order to allow the flow to return (often against ?gravity?), the veins have small valves that, in turn, section off veins into small segments. Under certain conditions, these valves might not work properly, allowing blood to pool inside a segment of the vein and stretch the vein wall. Eventually the pressure of the blood pushing on the walls causes micro-tearing where some metabolism by-products in the blood seep out and stain the outside of the vein. The stain then becomes the red, blue or purple veins we associate with SV.

Common Types of Spider Veins


Spider veins in the legs are the most common type. They can appear any time between the ages of 18 and 35, peaking between ages 50 and 60. The causes for SV in the legs usually are either related to a profession requiring long periods of standing or sitting, or from having excessive weight either due to obesity or pregnancy. Women get SV four to one compared to men. (Certainly because men don?t have pregnancy as a cause)


Those suffering from rosacea can also develop spider veins. Rosacea is a redness on the skin that generally affects light skinned people of European decent. The condition can be anything from a bright blush during times of temperature change, to a more permanent redness that doesn?t subside. Rosacea can affect the skin of the face as well as ears, neck and chest. However, spider veins associated with rosacea will be found on the cheeks, nose and chin. Both men and women are prone to this form of spider veins, but women still are more likely to have it. The peak time for rosacea onset is between the ages of 30 and 60.


Spider veins, in general, do not require treatments. They are considered a cosmetic problem, as they do not cause any pain or irritation. But if treatment is sought, the most commonly used method is called Sclerotherapy. This is a minimally invasive treatment where a sclerosing agent (such as saline) is injected into the veins, causing them to scar. The scarring makes the staining less noticeable and sometimes causes the vein to collapse and then be absorbed back into the body. Usually the treatment stings a bit, but discomfort doesn?t last more than a few weeks at most.

Another procedure, especially used for spider veins on the face, involves laser treatments. The laser heats up the veins, causing them to clot and collapse. Once closed, the body then absorbs the vein. With its removal, the redness goes away. Some stinging and burning can occur during the procedure, but it, too, will subside. Lasers are not recommended for those with darker pigmented skin as the melanin can absorb the laser?s energy and divert it from the veins.


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