Saturday, August 11, 2012

Commentary: Obama or Romney? Tomato or Tomato?

With three months to go before the election, Yahoo! News asked a handful of undecided voters how they're leaning in the presidential race. Here's a perspective from one voter.

COMMENTARY | Every time I turn on the television or read the news, I am assailed by propaganda: Who will you vote for, Obama or Romney? For now, when the question of Obama or Romney is asked, I say "Neither! I am undecided."

I don't think things have gone that well in the last four years under President Obama: There's no sense the economy has improved. I don't like that Obama has committed us to a longer-term entanglement in Afghanistan. He took way too long pulling troops out of Iraq and the affair in Libya did not seem to improve matters. Syria and Iran seem like a continuation of the war-mongering that has tapped our resources for more than a decade.

Also disturbing is the possibility of armed drones flying over our own country and the militarization of the local police forces. We were taught the police were here to serve and protect us. There has definitely been an erosion of personal liberties under this administration.

Not that I am very happy with the Republicans, either. Maybe some voters were getting tired of the long season of debates. Personally, I was hooked on that soap opera and wish it could have gone on even longer. After such an interesting lineup, the competition seemed to crumble rather quickly. Mitt Romney was hand-picked by the GOP poobahs. That took all the fun out of the election. Who wants a flip-flopper who is spinning like a weather vane in a tornado?

Meanwhile, Ron Paul went back to working on his "Audit the Fed" bill and the media went back to ignoring him. His strategy of collecting delegates achieved a modest success, but the Grand Old Party will not stop pulling the rug out from under him, making themselves look bad in the process.

All along, I had hoped Romney would find a way to reach out to Paul's supporters. I hardly think offering a speaking slot at the convention in Tampa for Rand Paul is adequate. Here in Las Vegas, Nev., the campaign trail became rather messy. I hear things are not smooth in other states where Paul supporters managed to gather some delegates. The RNC in Tampa, Fla., looks ripe for a surprise twist at the end.

Michael Taylor, 60, is a retired commercial artist in Las Vegas, Nev.


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