Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is Computer Information Technology

??2011/07/15 by admin | In computer electronics | | Tags: computerinformationtechnologydescription

Computer information technology is the branch of technological studies that focuses soley on computer-based information systems, including the processing, transmission and analysis of data.

What is a description of an information technology business??

An Information Technology business is a business that provides products and/or services that focus on or revolve around any aspect of Information Technology. (Refer to the attached link for the definition of Information Technology.) A non-I?

What is the difference between Computer Technology and Information Technolo??

Difference Between Technologies Computer Technology deals more with hardware usage and building/repairing PC?s, networks, etc, while Information Technology deals with using computers to acquire knowledge as applied in the business world. Fo?

What is the difference between computer science and information technology??

At the most basic level, Computer Science is a

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