Monday, July 4, 2011

How do I make investments in foreclosures? | RenHot | Get Hot News

Question by water_skipper: How do I invest in foreclosures?
How do I invest in foreclosures? I was snooping around the real estate classifies and saw some VERY good deals on houses. Are these good investments to buy and rent out? Are these good investments to buy then resell later? I?m talking about paying $ 10k or less for a house worth over $ 100k! What?s the catch?

Best answer:

Answer by Chessman
I guess in USA?
There will be a lot of capitalizing on those poor people that have got in over here head.

But I very much dough you fifer?s.

10K in most cases wouldn?t buy you a out house ( that is bush talk for Toilet)

So when you are talking investment, it is first all about Location, Location, then it the land & building is cost efective.

Is it subject to flood?
better to buy on height side of road,
Is it subject to heavy traffic>
transp[ort , shops, and at this stage you havent done your searches.

There is a lot of research goes into an investment befor you think of buying a house no matter how cheep it is that;s why people pay me to aquire there investments.

If you only have 10k to invest it would be better to put it into the share market.

But feel free to contact me when you have 400+k +Costs.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Tags: Foreclosures, Investments


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