Thursday, July 28, 2011

Development Of Self Identity Through Society | Self Improvement ...

A person?s self identity is really important to exist in society. People work hard to maintain their self-esteem and self-dignity. Both these elements are required in the development of self-identity. There are so many people who work hard to achieve their goals and ambitions. So, that they can maintain or develop their self-identity. The self identity of self is built in society surroundings only. It is the society, which helps a person to develop his self identity. Self-discipline in a person?s surroundings solves the purpose of self to act and think to a large extent that is a part of self-identity. It is very important in life as Self-discipline helps a person to achieve his goals and ambitions. If a person follows the path of Self-discipline, he will never have any problems at the time of reaching his destiny. He does not have to compromise in his life. Self-discipline is a key to success. It is a cultivated process; it will connect a person?s past to present and further to future.


Planning is very necessary when a person is thinking about his goals and ambitions. Planning comes under self-discipline. Self-discipline helps a person to build his confidence level. Without any fear a person can follow his self and move ahead in life. Self-discipline solves the purpose of emotional self-hostage by making aware of the cause and effects of negative emotions.If a person wants any guidance regarding his problems then he can take help from a psychologist. He will really get help in solving his problems. A person should always maintain a balance when it comes to his problems in life.When it comes to achieving goals a person should be aware of his deeds. A person should think on a wider perspective on what is needed in society. That is self identity needs to be expanded as it will include all the things a person plans to achieve. If a person thinks about his goals according to the society?s perspective, he will definitely be successful. A person?s identity changes according to time and surroundings. This process of self identity is quick and steady. Self identity also fluctuates due to circumstances.


Self identity of a person is reality of his life. An individual self is to act and think governs the self identity of that individual. The inner and outer self both govern the self identity of a person. If a person compares his own self to another person he will realize the difference. This means that a renowned person has more fame in the society as compared to a normal employThe self identity of a renowned person will be more appealing as compared to the normal employ. Both pf their frequency will never match. It will only match when a normal employ reaches the level of the other person. A person desires also frame self identity. When a person will start fulfilling his desires he reaches the point of equilibrium. This point will further enhance his self identity in society. Emotions, feelings help a lot in development of self. People who have good feelings for other person are always accepted by the society. People make society that is they form society. The key to self identity is success. A person has to shift his awareness level and has to focus specifically on it. An individual just has to do a little hard work by keeping a quick pace. Confidence ability in a person is very important to achieve self identity. A person will achieve the confidence level from self identity in his surroundings. He will now feel confident while talking, thinking and acting. Therefore, confidence level will help in the development of self identity in society surroundings.

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