Saturday, July 7, 2012

Where Is the Liberal Outrage?

Yesterday at Politico, Josh Gerstein wondered why the left had ignored Kagan, the liberal ?turncoat,? and her massive defection on the Medicaid expansion. He singles out Kagan?as opposed to Justice Breyer, who also voted with the conservatives on the Medicaid issue?because everyone always assumed Kagan was in the tank for the Obama administration. Or as Gerstein put it, ?The absence of public outrage toward Kagan is particularly notable since she wasn't parting company just with her liberal ideological counterparts, but with the president who appointed her to the court and with the administration she served as Solicitor General immediately prior to taking the bench.? Gerstein proposes several explanations for the left?s silence on Kagan, including the fact that her Medicaid vote may ultimately have limited practical impact and that liberals are giving her a pass for a possibly strategic decision to trade her Medicaid vote for Roberts? vote on the individual mandate. I don?t think any of his conclusions are wrong, but I do think they paint only part of the picture.


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