Sunday, July 22, 2012

Getting Started With Your Online Business Part 7 ? 3 Reasons To Use

Now that you?re all setup to capture leads you?ll need to have a plan to contact them. The best way to contact them is through an email marketing campaign. Email marketing is a great way to grow your business and here?s why?

1. It?s the best converting form of advertising.

Study after study shows the most effective form of adveritising online is through email. Conversion rates through email trump every other form of ad. That includes search engin pay per click links, banner advertisements, video ads, pop-ups, pop unders, and whatever else is out there. No company who is serious about growing on the web fails to harness the power of email.

Another study shows the average person will not buy from you until they?ve heard from you at least seven times. Email marketing is a great way to remind people who came to your website you still exist. It?s not unusual for someone to go to a website, even a website they make a purchase from and then forget how to get back to that website. When you send follow up emails they?ll know exactly what you do and how to get back to your website.

2. It?s an inexpensive way to contact somoeone.

Email is such a popular way of communicating because it creates a huge market efficiency. You can capture hundreds and thousands of emails and then send to them for a fraction of a penny. Compare that to traditional marketing communication devices like post cards, flyers, and letters. If you were to send a post card via snail mail for example it would cost you at least the price of postage plus the post card just to contact your lead one time. Don?t get me wrong, I?m not saying you shouldn?t use these traditional marketing methods. But the pillar of your marketing efforts needs to come through a strong email marketing campaign.

3. It saves you time.

Not only is email inexpensive but it?s a great time saver. If you were to write a letter and send it via snail mail to each prospect not only would it cost a lot more money than sending an email but it will also take a lot more time. And if you were to call each one of your prospects individually that would take a lot more time than sending a simple email. Contrary to popular belief running an online business is not easy. So you?re going to need that time to focus on other areas of your business.

Everything I?ve shared with you here is fine and dandy but you?re not ready to apply your email marketing campaign until you actually start building an email list. To build that list you?re going to need to start getting real traffic to your website. Coming up I?ll focus on the various methods you can use to get traffic to your website. Of all the things you do I?d say two-thirds or more of your time needs to be dedicated to this one area ? getting traffic to your website.


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