Thursday, July 26, 2012

Lipstick Mystic ? A Rant Just Because

One of my ?missions? in life is to try to be a guide, cheerleader, and teacher to people who are trying to understand their own spiritual nature, without getting that person hooked on a specific ?god? or belief system.

Sometimes on the path to discovering more of who you are and all that you?re capable of, you might be drawn to following various life philosophies, self-help or self-improvement techniques, or religions. Each of these things can be useful but, unfortunately, sometimes they can turn into traps. This is because it?s so easy to look for just ONE thing that?s going to explain EVERYTHING, when truth can actually be found in bits and pieces all over the place! So blindly adhering to just one philosophy or spiritual practice isn?t usually a great way to go because it ends up limiting your spontaneous, creative, and expansive reaction to life as it evolves around you.

However you?re ?getting there? ? however you?re connecting with spiritual energy, love energy, or creation energy ? you?re going to experience certain common markers or common points in this process. You?ll tend to have certain types of experiences which both open you up to beauty and miracles and also scare the crap out of you. This is because you?re setting out with the intention to learn more about EVERYTHING ? and this world is dual, consisting of various poles of feeling and experience like love and fear, joy and sorrow, expansion and contraction, good and evil, and more.

To become more aware is to become more aware of EVERYTHING. Being all cheery, ?love and light? all the time isn?t an authentic way to move through life. Women, especially psychically open women who try to be healers and nurturers and caretakers, often put this huge burden on themselves that they have to present a constant smile, a continually upbeat personality, and an unbending positive ?gloss? over reality.

Most of these women end up in abusive relationships where they don?t give themselves permission to REALLY NOTICE how their partner might be unbalanced, dangerous, or evil.

Other such women end up trying to manufacture these artificial identities out in the ?real world? which eventually start to develop cracks as the woman?s authentic self demands to be expressed. So you?ll see that incredibly cheerful and positive office manager who encourages and helps everyone, works extra hours to cover for sick employees, and tries to present expansive, creative ideas at office meetings get worn down, cranky, or physically ill over time. And then she?ll often over-compensate by pretending even HARDER that everything is fine, denying her own needs, concealing anything that?s going wrong.

As a New Age chick I?ve been very guilty of that in past years and I?m not doing that any more. When I get hit by something very hard and evil and I?m still trying to balance myself so I can get in a position to overcome and move past those energies, I?m not going to sit around here (in my blog) or in my life and pretend that everything is all birds and willows. Because sometimes, it?s not.

As a very strong psychic I get to experience the extremely DARK pole of reality from time to time as well as the extremely beautiful, loving and miraculous side of life. I consider this a gift and I always remain grateful about this, because I want to learn about EVERYTHING. . . I don?t need for life to edit out the messy parts for me, and I?m not going to edit out the messy parts in my writing, either.

Most New Age writers and metaphysical teachers NEVER let you see the cracks in the veneer. You have gurus with multiple marriages who have somehow never been able to maintain a healthy relationship with a female romantic partner; but that information about them never appears in their author bio. And you won?t find them EVER admitting to having a bad day or coming clean about very horrible mistakes they might have made in their work or in their life.

I?m turning all that upside down and promise here and throughout all my books and courses to keep showing you EVERYTHING about me. Okay, I?m not going so far as to send out Tweets every five minutes about what I?m eating for dinner, and I?m not posting naked videos of myself to Youtube. I?m not a narcissist ? and I haven?t been working out lately! :)

But when I?m talking about something in society that involves woundedness, and perhaps I?ve experienced related woundedness in my own life, I will NOT hide this from you. This is why the tone of this blog over this past week has been a little darker because I?m pushing through some very real PTSD that I haven?t yet completely healed based on two primary events: being assaulted (but not raped, thankfully) at college aeons ago and having a man dressed in black mysteriously appear in my apartment and beam energy with some sort of device into my heart, inducing a heart attack and years of illness until I healed. This happened back in 1997, right after I refused to be recruited for the CIA?s ?defunct? remote viewing program.

I will not keep quiet about this, I won?t pretend that any of it was okay, I won?t pretend it didn?t happen, and I?m not going to shut up about it.

These things don?t define who I am, but they did have a huge impact on my life and career. College assault derailed my college education, and I was already working professionally in the performing arts at that time, so I just left college and continued working out in the ?real? world. For the most part, I haven?t looked back, but you?ll find I don?t have some cushy sounding master?s degree in psychotherapy or anthropology to ?bolster? my credentials as a teacher. And I was pretty quiet and ?underground? for about ten years after this last incident and attempt on my life, which happened because I had become somewhat known locally as a professional psychic, and various arms of the government, the ?alphabet soup? type agencies and the military are always looking to recruit psychics ? but they want them to weaponize their abilities, to become psychic assassins, and to horribly exploit their spiritual abilities. Not for me. But my telling them ?No!? while also calling them motherfuckers for how horribly they were abusing spiritual energy didn?t exactly ingratiate me with them. And since I?m writing about some of the secret psychic programs that exist in my new book, I?m sort of reliving some of this trauma a little bit again. And quite honestly, these guys play rough, so I also risk my life and my health and my financial well-being even daring to tell the truth about my (relatively minor) brushes with this stuff.

So you should know that I will NOT sugar coat things, I will NOT turn the other cheek at evil, and I will NOT shut up.

But beneath it all, I just want to help and protect and teach my readers and students about how TRULY powerful they are, how all their spiritual power comes from the present moment, and how you can bypass negative beings and forces which seem to want to herd you down a terrible, catastrophic, ?end of the world? type timeline and actually live in a very wonderful, healthy, and abundant way.

I was able to heal myself of my heart problems (I also pulled in help and techniques from some kick ass shamans.) I live in a beautiful part of the country, I?m blessed to be with the most wonderful man well into 14 years of our relationship, and most days, I?m happy, cheerful, and joyful about being here.

If I can survive some of what I?ve come through and reclaim joy, abundance, and creativity, not to mention physical health and relationship health, then YOU can do this, too, from wherever you are now, from whatever ?past? still might haunt you from time to time.

That?s why I?m coming out with more teaching materials and books and published writing here ? to show you how you can get from Point A to Point B, with many amazing and miraculous stops in between.

But I promise not to conceal important stuff from you just to save face or pretend I?m perfect and infallible like so many psychics and metaphysical teachers do. Quite honestly, I?ve only really LEARNED when I?ve been busy making terrible ?mistakes!? So part of my style of teaching is to say, ?Here are some examples where I royally fucked up, and here?s how I got out of the mess and fixed it, and here?s how many other hundreds and thousands of people I?ve worked with have ALSO experienced huge improvement in their lives.?

You just won?t get ?perfection? from me, because not only am I far from perfect, but I wouldn?t want to be ?perfect,? anyway! What is perfection, anyway? I see it as a type of hell where everything is static, nothing ever grows or changes, and creation has stopped.

For me, life is about creation, experimentation, sometimes miscreation, and then expansion.

If you resonate with these ideas, please stick around. There?s a lot more to come! And thank you very much for being here.



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