Friday, September 16, 2011

Evolution of Archery Over the Years | AutoRoll - Recreation and Sports

The origin of the word Archery is the Latin word arcos meaning bow or arc. Curiously enough, arcos also means rainbow.

According to resources, the use of bows to throw arrows from a distance goes back 15,000 years.

At first, Archery was used for hunting purposes. Afterwards it was utilized for thousands of years in battle and combat.

In the beginning of combat, Archery was thought of as a lower type of fighting and was allotted to the lowest class of warriors, but the Vikings and Englishmen mastered their archery tabilities and over time it has gained amazing acclaim by its ability to inflict heavy losses to the enemy from a distance. The invention of guns caused a quick decline to the complete extinction in the utilisation of bows and arrows in modern time warfare.

Nowadays the term Archery is mainly used to describe a widespread recreational sport, while the utilising of bows and arrows for hunting purposes is typically known as Bow Hunting.

Traditional archery ? there is no precise definition of the term traditional archery and the term can imply different things in different regions of the Earth. Some regard it as a popular term that includes all usage of a bow drawn by hand. Some restrict the term to the utilisation of recurve bows or longbow. There is also debate whether primitive bows are to be included in this term.

Competitive Archery is a term coined for shooting arrows at a target for accuracy, with competitions held indoors and outdoors.

Olympic competitive archery has been competed at in the 1900 Olympics in Athens, only to be abandoned after the 1920 Olympic Games for over 50 years. In 1972 the Olympic competitive archery was resumed and has been competed in all Summer Olympic Games since then. The dominant country in medal winning in archery is South Korea with the US trailing fairly far behind.

traditional archery supplies is a domain dedicated to providing info on archery, longbows and recurve bows


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