Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nagging questions about post-divorce dating?.?

Okay, background info, I'm a 28 yr old newly single mom of two boys (ages 4 & 6). This question is not an implication that I want to start dating again, because my divorce isn't even final, and I realize that I need to give myself some time before starting a new relationship. just some questions that are running through my head.

Do a lot of people have a fear that after the divorce and the kids, no one else will want them? I wasn't ever that great at the whole dating game to begin with, and I hear these horror stories about single moms and how the men they date pretty much scram after they find out about the kids. to divorced parents (moms especially), did you worry about whether anyone would want to be in a relationship with you post-divorce?

I'm also having some trouble with a major rule that I think should be followed exactly, but I can't figure out how to do that. I'm gonna run out of room, so be patient so I can finish the question. :-)

#1: I'm divorced as well, 2 children, would PREFER to date a woman w/children ? not so uncommon, and we always hear the horrible stories, but rarely the to great ones (it's like people slowing down to watch the car wreck)
#2: It's YOUR family, your life ? specific rules about how things are done come with the family.

So, someone interested in you (& Children) will be interested in specific rules.

if a guy is into the woman, the kids are part of the package. take it or leave it? and visa versa
it's just a matter if the kids accept the person that is coming into their lives.
if everyone gets along, then run with it.. if not.. run away from it.

i met a woman with 3 daughters. i was afraid they wouldn;t like me when i first met them.. i did some research and found out what they liked and went shopping.. when i met them, i bribed them.. they LOVE me.. not because i 'bought' them, because i knew how to win them over from the get go. i showed them that i had an interest and it was great from there?

no I never worried about whether anyone would want to date me??I was more worried I wouldn't want to date them??or have the time to date, and I really didn't have the time?..

If this male friend is already in their life I see no reason why you should not let the kids see him if it turns into something more.that would only confuse the kids(here today, gone tomorrow). I agree that kids should not develop a relationship with every guy you date but if things get serious they should meet the fellow.You will want to know how he acts around your up front with the guys from the beginning about your children.I am divorced and remarried.My son was grown when his father and I divorced and my daughter was 15 so I had things a little differently.You sound like you have a pretty good plan in place.just be willing to adjust your plan if needed.

im sure with the whole dating game that everyone feels some sort of insecurity. don't let that lower your standard at all. your kids are young and they will not understand the transition. don't do this all at once cause divorce is very hard on kids. I remember that very well when I was a kid

I was not worried if men would want to date me. My biggest concern was whether or not they would accept my children. Blessedly, I found a man that accepted all 6 of mine along with all the responsibility. (and don't worry about what people "think" you should do ?follow your gut. You are much smarter now than you were then. You may be ready to date now OR you might not be ready for years yet? either way? do it YOUR way and don't let others determine for you when the right time to date is. Best wishes on your new life! and after reading your addition? the guy WILL understand if you are the one for him. otherwise? move on from anyone who doesn't want to play by your rules.

All your concerns about "will someone want you?, will someone accept the children?" are normal concerns. You just give it time and that will change. it is good to have rules about not bringing people around the children until you know this for good. The kids have a lot to deal with already.

As far as the man who owns the store across the street, well don't kid yourself, you know you are into the guy and you are confused about how to deal with. You do need to remember that you are not divorced yet, and that you should respect that for the sake of the children. be on you own for a minute, give it time, it will all play out.

Tags: car wreck, Human Interest, fear, single mom, dating game, boys ages
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Learning research study module on ... - Mathematics for Teaching

Just recently the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) of the UK released a set of learning research study modules to support continuing professional development of mathematics teachers online. One of the modules was based on my paper Growth Points in Students Understanding of Function in Equation Form. This paper was published in 2009 in Mathematics Education Research Journal (MERJ). MERJ is an international refereed journal that provides a forum for the publication of research on the teaching and learning of mathematics at all levels. It is the official journal of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, Inc. (MERGA). The papers in the journal used to be downloadable for free. Since last year I think they are now published through Springer link. I have tried to share ideas from the paper in my posts?How to assess understanding of function?and?What is a function?in my attempt to provide teachers another thinking tool by which they can analyze students understanding of function and of mathematics concepts in general.

The module was developed by?Anne Watson, professor of Mathematics Education at Oxford University. NCETM presented it in power point presentation platform. I love the way Professor Watson turned my otherwise boring research paper into a thought provoking learning module for teachers. I have downloaded the presentation and sharing it here so other teachers can easily access it. Of course you can also go to the NCETM site. Teacher educators can learn from the style of presentation of the research study modules. This is a great way of making research results accessible to teachers. Kudos to NCETM for this project.
Professor Anne Watson is also one of the editors of the book New Directions for Situated Cognition in Mathematics Education (Mathematics Education Library). The book is a great reference for those doing research about mathematics teaching and learning.

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Sales Training Los Angeles to Boost Sales Strategy

This article has been viewed 13 times.

Companies should expand the scope of their whole sales strategy. Sales managers and business owners should employ sales training Los Angeles based companies to increase sales revenue. Not only will the organization achieve a valuable competitive advantage, but it will also free up more time and resources to spend on core duties. Taking the initiative to utilize valuable insight from external sources will infuse more life into your sales team in the shape of innovative sales strategies.

Organizations large and small should utilize sales training Los Angeles based companies to provide access to more sales channels. Even though the economy has been in decline, there are still various ways to capitalize on opportunities in a down market, the key is finding the best strategies to execute and knowing how to position your solution for best sales results, targeted sales training is the best forward thinking plan of action. As the economy regains more solid footing, seizing the initiative to arm your sales representatives with more weapons in their arsenal will pay huge dividends.

Although cold-calling is an essential component of the sales profession, both seasoned and new sales reps need to learn more creative strategies to get past the numerous unsolicited calls as gate keepers are masters of playing keep away. The modern day process of selling has undergone a noticeable shift as prospect companies seek whatever competitive edge possible in the marketplace. Make sure to adjust your sales strategy accordingly. Sales managers and business owners must adapt to the changing business climate trends.

Some sales training companies have advocated eliminating cold-calling entirely claiming it?s a dead art. However maybe standard and ineffective cold-calling has seen its last days, the phone is still the best effective tool for the creative sales mind. Sales reps need to learn to come up with creative strategies to reach their ideal target prospect base.

Sales reps must make great use of the phone to qualify their prospects. Too often, sales reps waste time chasing the wrong type of prospects because they failed to do their homework up front. They underestimate the intense competition out there. They must understand that the decision makers are simply doing their due diligence when they request proposals. Some sales reps mistake standard procedures as buying signals and advancing the sales cycle.

In evaluating specific sales strategy for outside sales reps, of 250 surveyed, only 30% could strongly articulate how they formulated their proposals to ensure they firmly stood out from the competition. Perception is crucial, many decision makers these days are part of an overall team. Sales reps must not only learn to read the signals from the primary decision maker, but be aware of the influencer?s needs. Each department seeks to solve a particular pain, the sales rep must do his research and provide supporting documentation in the proposal that addresses each area from the specific position?s point of view. To succeed in today?s world, sales reps have to do more than just deliver what the decision maker asks for.

Sales reps must find a distinctive way to separate yourself from the competition. Add more value by incorporating more departments. Investigate possible options that the decision maker himself may not be aware of. Most reps assume since the decision makers have technical titles that they know everything there is to know. However most decision makers have to work diligently just to maintain the present solutions, some simply don?t have enough time to stay on top of new technologies and new market trends.

Savvy and smart sales reps know how to add more value to the decision makers by doing their diligent research. They provide the decision makers with versatile options and alternative strategies in addition to pulling in various other departments of the company. Standing out visibly from the competition will help win the deal, decision makers can tell the difference between standard boilerplate proposals and well researched customized and collaborate efforts. If sales reps put in the hard work to deliver above and beyond, they will reap the benefits.

Want to learn new strategies about Targeted Sales Training, Henry Okwo is Founder and CEO of SalesGymUSA, a Sales Training Los Angeles based company. He has developed a special performance based sales training program which you can download for free. SalesGymUSA implements targeted sales strategies to increase your sales. Check out the Daily Mental Workout to get you motivated to start your day.


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Syrian forces storm northern town, fight defectors: residents (Reuters)

AMMAN (Reuters) ? Syrian forces stormed a town on the main road leading to Turkey Sunday after troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad fought a night-time battle in Damascus with army defectors who had refused to shoot at a pro-democracy protest.

Six months into a popular uprising, Assad is under pressure from street protests and from Arab foreign ministers who told Syria Sunday to work to end bloodshed "before it is too late."

The Arab League decided to send its secretary-general to Damascus to push for reforms, while the president of neighboring Turkey said he had lost confidence in Syria].

Residents of Khan Sheikhoun, on the main road 245 km (155 miles) north of Damascus, said two people had been killed in an army assault on their town. Two local activists, Tareq al-Nisr and Musaab Taha, were wounded, another activist said.

"It was an assassination attempt. The security police and shabbiha (militiamen) are beginning to use targeted assassinations and arresting people in larger numbers," said the activist, who gave his name as Abu Wael.

In Damascus, dozens of soldiers defected and fled into al-Ghouta, an area of farmland, after pro-Assad forces fired at a large crowd of demonstrators near the suburb of Harasta to prevent them from marching on the center, residents said.

"The army has been firing heavy machineguns throughout the night at al-Ghouta and they were being met with response from smaller rifles," a resident of Harasta told Reuters by phone.

A statement published on the Internet by the Free Officers, a group that says it represents defectors, said "large defections" occurred in Harasta and security forces and shabbiha loyal to Assad were chasing the defectors.

It was the first reported defection around the capital, where Assad's core forces are based.


Syrian authorities have repeatedly denied any army defections have been taking place. They have expelled independent media since the uprising against Assad, from Syria's minority Alawite sect, erupted in March.

Activists have been reporting increasing defections among the rank-and-file army, mostly drawn from Syria's Sunni majority but dominated by an Alawite officer core effectively under the command of Assad's brother Maher.

In the town of Hirak in the southern Hauran Plain, a crowd shouted, "Oppressor, your reign will finish. Prepare yourself for execution," according to footage distributed by residents.

In the eastern town of Albu Kamal on the border with Iraq's Sunni heartland, which has been besieged by tanks for weeks after large protests, an activist said security police snipers killed two protesters when they fired at a crowd who tried to demonstrate at the main square after nightly Ramadan prayers.

"A crowd streamed out from the grand mosque when they were met by bullets fired by security police snipers. Three protesters were also wounded," he said.

The United Nations says 2,200 people have been killed since Assad sent in tanks and troops to crush months of street demonstrations calling for an end to his family's 41-year rule.

Syrian authorities have blamed armed "terrorist groups" for the bloodshed across Syria and say 500 police and army have been killed.


The latest demonstrations in Damascus were triggered in part by an attack Saturday by Assad's forces on a popular cleric, Osama al-Rifai. He was treated with several stitches to his head after they stormed al-Rifai mosque complex in the Kfar Sousa district of the capital, home to the secret police headquarters, to prevent a protest from coming out of the mosque.

Protesters have been buoyed by increasing international condemnation of Assad's crackdown. President Abdullah Gul of Turkey, a former ally, said the situation had reached a point where changes would be too little too late, Turkish state-run news agency Anatolian reported.

Gul told Anatolian in an interview: "We are really very sad. Incidents are said to be 'finished' and then another 17 people are dead. How many will it be today? Clearly we have reached a point where anything would be too little too late. We have lost our confidence."

In Cairo, the Arab League said in a statement after an extraordinary meeting that it was concerned "over the dangerous developments on the Syrian arena that had caused thousands of casualties" and "stresses the importance of ending bloodshed and to resort to reason before it is too late."

It was the first official Arab League meeting on Syria since the start of the uprising, inspired by revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt that sparked unrest across the Middle East and North Africa. The foreign ministers said Syria's stability was crucial for the Arab world and the whole region.

Assad's closest ally, Shi'ite Iran, with which he has been strengthening ties to the disquiet of Syria's Sunni majority, has said Damascus must listen to the "legitimate demands" of its people.

Iran warned NATO Sunday against any temptation to intervene in Syria, saying that rather than the defeating a regime it would be bogged down in a "quagmire" similar to Iraq or Afghanistan.

(Additional reporting by Sami Aboudi in Cairo, Suleiman al-Khalidi and Mariam Karouny; Editing by Rosalind Russell)


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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Split Level Home Remodeling, the Style Preference and Challenges ...

August 28, 2011 By: admin Category: home improvement

split level home photoThe split level home remodeling is often known as the remodeling idea to get privacy for the home owners and family members. This split level home is able to provide the separation of the daily living activities, spaciousness and noise control. To mention, the split level homes often have the relatively small rooms. This kind of house style is the perfect choice in accommodating your need to find several kinds of area inside your house. Some of the areas you can have are the recreation room, formal living area, informal living area and also seclusions in bedrooms. Of course, you can find some ideas in split level home remodeling.

Some style preferences of split level home remodeling

  • The Foyer split level home remodeling

This split level house plan is composed of two different levels. It has entry on level midway between available two floors. Usually, it has short stairs that go up and other short stairs go down.

Typically, it has three to four levels. It also has two to three set of short stairs. Usually, the entrance way is located on the middle floor and it can open directly to the formal living room.

This type has five to more levels with more sets of short stairs as well. The entry way is positioned on middle floor that opens to foyer along with the sets of stairs that both go up and down.

Another great place to apply the split level home remodeling is your garden. This will be suitable if you have wide garden. The split level garden designs are necessary if you want to have more spacious garden while planting different trees in every level. When you have split level garden, you will find it so great as place to enjoy hanging out with your family. Make sure that you already planned well the design of split level home remodeling before applying it.

Usually, during the process in split level home remodeling, the biggest challenge is how to add the level. That is because some neighborhoods and locations restrict the house?s height. Thus, this restriction may restraint you to apply the split level home ideas. Another challenge you will face defines for the effort in creating balance for your house. These home remodeling ideas are great but it certainly requires you to hire the most qualified home designer and contractor. As an addition, you also need to make sure whether you can truly afford the split level home remodeling or not considering it can cost you quite a lot.

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Pa. man charged again for putting ribs in pants

(AP) ? A central Pennsylvania man has been charged for a second time with trying to steal a rack of ribs by shoving them down his pants.

Carlisle police tell The Sentinel newspaper ( that 65-year-old Donald Noone tried to hide about $20 worth of ribs in his pants on Sunday. Police say he attempted to pull the same stunt on May 22 at a supermarket and pleaded guilty to retail theft and public drunkenness.

Police say that since this is a second offense, the theft charge will be considered a more serious second-degree misdemeanor.

There was not a listed telephone number for Donald Noone in Carlisle.


Information from: The Sentinel,


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Monday, August 29, 2011

Sell Clothes For Extra Money With Online Auctions | Fashion First ...

Sell Clothes For Extra Money With Online Auctions

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Home ? Home & Online Business ? Sell Clothes For Extra Money With Online Auctions

Sell Clothes For Extra Money With Online Auctions

Maybe you have considered promoting your own utilized clothes? Huge numbers of people all over the world earn money promoting their own utilized clothes on the internet.



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Maybe you have considered promoting your own utilized clothes? Huge numbers of people all over the world earn money promoting their own utilized clothes on the internet. An incredible number of customers look at their own clothes because throw away, putting on this with regard to just a few months. Why don?t you cash in about the chance to help to make a few extra cash? The web has established several possibilities to market your own utilized clothes on the internet.

That Purchases Utilized Clothes?

You might be requesting, that may wish to purchase utilized clothes products on the internet? Numerous customers purchase utilized clothes on the internet simply because they may obtain substantial expenses cost savings. Everybody loves an excellent discount! Numerous clients purchase clothing on the internet, particularly ?Name? manufacturer or even ?Designer? labeling to enable them to obtain like a low cost. Customers like to evaluation magazines for that most recent developments, however they frequently can?t pay for to buy the things from top dollar. The possibility to buy desired products from decreased costs is actually attractive to lots of people. Additionally, worldwide clients look for utilized clothes, particularly if the actual clothing are created along with high quality materials such as made of woll, man made fiber as well as cashmere.

Exactly where would you begin?

Begin with the actual clothes which you will no longer would like inside your wardrobe along with the clothes through every other loved ones member?s cabinets they no more put on. You may also possess products inside your cabinets which nevertheless possess the unique product sales labels in it. You are able to market footwear, t shirts, gowns, trousers, jackets as well as add-ons. You may also market ladies clothing, mens clothing as well as kid?s clothing. You will have to examine all the clothes products through their own present situation. Content label all of them because brand new, somewhat utilized, utilized as well as put on to create this simpler for you personally whenever you checklist the things on the internet. You will have to consider high quality pictures from the products making use of your house digital camera (electronic if at all possible), ensuring in order to function any kind of unique options that come with the actual clothes. Once you have divided the actual utilized clothes products, you are able to pick the web sites which you want to provide the products available upon.

You are able to decide to market the actual clothes with an on the internet consignment web site (a person spend the charge or even fee for any website to market your own products), a good public sale website or perhaps a categorized website. Make sure to evaluation the actual costs for every website as well as their own guidelines with regard to delivery to be able to cost your own products properly. After you have selected the actual method that you?ll make use of to market your own utilized clothes, you will have to figure out prices as well as create the merchandise explanations.


Research the website you have selected with regard to comparable products that will help you pick the cost that you?ll provide the products from. For those who have selected to make use of a good public sale website, most of them will help you to arranged the absolute minimum bet cost or perhaps a book cost, the cost how the product should achieve prior to it?s offered (ideal for classic or even custom items).

Right now you have selected your own costs, took photos and also have divided the actual clothing through situation, you are able to checklist your own products on to those sites available. Whenever you create your own utilized clothes product sales explanations, make sure to make use of detailed phrases such as, ?New Within Box?, ?Never Already been Worn?, ?Designer?, ?Cashmere? and much more to provide your own products the very best likelihood of becoming examined as well as bought through on the internet audiences.

Promoting your own utilized clothes products on the internet is a practicable choice to produce cash for that items which ?re going abandoned inside your cabinets.

Victor Epand is definitely an professional advisor with regard to utilized clothes, utilized wrist watches, as well as vacuum cleaner meals sealers. Whenever buying utilized clothes, utilized wrist watches, as well as vacuum cleaner meals sealers, store just in the greatest online retailers with regard to market utilized clothes, utilized wrist watches, as well as vacuum cleaner meals sealers.

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Law and Society | Texas Divorce Attorney News

Law & Society

Law & Justice

1. The Essential Influences on Law

The Concept of the Rule of Law [M6 H4]

The Social, Cultural, Moral, Political and Economic Influences [M11 H6]

2. Nature of Law

Development of law as a reflection of past and present society [M12 H8]

Customary law, common law and civil law systems [M14 H12]

Doctrine of natural justice [M23 H12]

The purpose of different types of law: domestic and international law; public and private law; civil and criminal law; contract law; tort law; property law; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander customary law. [M27 H13]

3. Nature of Justice

concepts of access, equity, fairness, equality and human rights [M33 H20]


4. The nature and development of concepts of human rights

state sovereignty, ?natural law? doctrine, historic constitutional documents, movement for slavery abolition, trade unionism, universal suffrage and universal education [M44 H27]

distinguishing between moral, customary and legal rights [M55 H32]

differences between domestic and international rights [M55 H33]

5. Identifying the types of international rights

civil and political rights; economic, social and cultural rights; environmental and peace rights [M56 H34]

collective right to self-determination [M57 H37]

the recognition of human rights under Australian law: common and statute law, evolving human rights, including the possibility of a Bill of Rights, recognition and enforcement of rights [M58 H38]

6. Contemporary struggles for human rights, the changing understanding of human rights and the effectiveness of legal measures both domestically and internationally in addressing human rights issues. [M60 H43]

M = Macmillan H = Heinemann

Instructional Verbs

Account Account for: state reasons for, report on. Give an account of: narrate a series of events or transactions

Analyse Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications

Apply Use, utilise, employ in a particular situation

Appreciate Make a judgement about the value of

Assess Make a judgment of value, quality, outcomes, results or size

Calculate Ascertain/determine from given facts, figures or information

Clarify Make clear or plain

Classify Arrange or include in classes/categories

Compare Show how things are similar or different

Construct Make; build; put together items or arguments

Contrast Show how things are different or opposite

Deduce Draw conclusions

Define State meaning and identify essential qualities

Demonstrate Show by example

Describe Provide characteristics and features

Discuss Identify issues and provide points for and/or against

Distinguish Recognise or note/indicate as being distinct or different from; to note differences between

Evaluate Make a judgement based on criteria; determine the value of

Examine Inquire into

Explain Relate cause and effect; make the relationships between things evident; provide why and/or how

Extract Choose relevant and/or appropriate details

Extrapolate Infer from what is known

Identify Recognise and name

Interpret Draw meaning from

InvestigatePlan, inquire into and draw conclusions about

Justify Support an argument or conclusion

Outline Sketch in general terms; indicate the main features of

Predict Suggest what may happen based on available information

Propose Put forward (for example a point of view, idea, argument, suggestion) for consideration or action

Recall Present remembered ideas, facts or experiences

Recommend Provide reasons in favour

Recount Retell a series of events

Summarise Express, concisely, the relevant details

Synthesise Putting together various elements to make a whole

The Essential Influences On Law

The Concept of the Rule of Law

Principle that the Law must be known and applicable to all citizens

The law should be known with certainty of application to all people that it my affect

The law should not be applied arbitrarily

A law may be known and applicable to all people but realistically affect only a few. Rule of Law reduces arbitrariness but does not necessarily promote fairness.

Generally considered a positive component of the Legal System. Ensures that the Law is the ultimate authority, not the government.

Some safeguards need to be in place. Dennis Lloyd suggests:

Independent Judiciary

Legal system should monitor Police system

Independent Legal profession

Executive should be supervised (eg. By courts)

Social Influences

Combined Cultural, Moral and Intellectual forces that affect the law

Writings of academics and Lawyers

Drink Driving and Non-Prison punishments caused by social factors.

Cultural Influences

Culture refers to ways of living for a group of people

Cultural influences include religion and philosophy

Moral Influences

Many laws created/altered due to perceived immorality

Eg. Child Sex Tourism

Eg. Abortion

Political Influences

Actions of sections of society that have the aim of furthering their own interests

Lobby groups ? unions, NGO?s

Political Parties

Economic influences

Economic influences increasing

Interest Rates, Government debt

Support wealthy businessmen ? particularly media barons

Nature Of Law

Development of law as a reflection of past and present society

Common Law system ? From England

Federal System ? States wanted to keep some power

Australia?s unique environment contributes to our laws.

Water restrictions in times of Drought.

Documents translated into multiple languages due to Multicultural

Historical development of Law in Australia

Doctrine of reception ? English colonists carry with them English law

Terra Nullius allowed English Law to prevail

To this day almost no recognition of ATSI law

Gradually laws passed in England gave more power to NSW and later Australia

In 1900 the Australia Constitution Act (UK) was passed in British parliament

All legislative and appellate power of Britain was cut in 1986 with the passing of the Australia (Request and Consent) Act 1985 (Cth) and the Australia Act 1986 (UK)

Customary Law

Law which has its basis in long-continued practices

Most frequent in Indigenous communities

Informality of dispute resolution

Civil Law

Can be used in multiple ways. For Civil Law System:

Used predominantly in Europe

Derived from Ancient Roman and Napoleonic traditions

Inquisitorial. Judge has more power. Can call for evidence and question witnesses

Most influential implementation the Code Civil 1804 in France

No Rule of Law or Doctrine of Precedent

Writers and academics as influential as Judges

More emphasis on written submissions than oral argument

Common Law

Can be used as law made by courts, Law made by Common Law courts or as Common law System

Common law system inherited from Britain. In use in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and U.S.A.

Judges make law in cases

Doctrine of precedent, cases must be judged in same manner as like cases.

Judge passive and reactive

Doctrine of Natural Justice

Notion that logical reasoning may determine Just or fair processes in Legal Proceedings

Procedural Fairness

Person accused of a crime, or at risk of loss, should be given adequate notice of proceedings

Person making decision should declare any personal interest in proceedings

Person making decision should be unbiased and act in good faith

Proceedings should be conducted so as to be fair to all parties

Each side is entitled to hear anything the other side says to the decision maker

Each party is entitled to ask questions and contradict evidence of other party

Decision maker should not take into account irrelevant considerations

Not only should justice be done but it should be seen to be done

Domestic Law

Domestic law is the law of the legally recognized dominant culture

Designed to control behaviours and relationships between citizens

In Australia main sources of Domestic law are Federal and State parliaments

Domestic Law should not affect citizens outside the jurisdiction of the nation

International Law

Main purpose: Guidance of Nations following international Law

UN conventions and Treaties

Often un enforced due to practical restrictions

Public Law

Constitutional, Administrative and Criminal Law

Governs conduct of Government and administrative institutions

Private Law

Law of contract and Tort

Deals with interactions between private citizens (Or corporations)

Civil law

Disputes between individuals (Or groups)

Civil wrongs ? Negligence and Breach of Contract

Burden of proof with plaintiff

Standard of Proof: Balance of probabilities

Criminal Law

Prosecutions by the State of Individuals

For ?Breaches of the

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Justin Bieber Plants Kiss On Selena Gomez On VMA Pre-Show

Black carpet co-host Gomez was interviewing boyfriend Justin on Sunday.
By Kara Warner

Justin Bieber plants a kiss on Selena Gomez on the 2011 VMA black carpet
Photo: FilmMagic

Although MTV News' Sway Calloway has enough interview experience to get the goods from the biggest and brightest stars, our special VMA Pre-Show co-host Selena Gomez proved to be just as skilled as our season pro when her interview subject was boyfriend Justin Bieber

"I'm here with the one-and-only Justin Bieber," Gomez said when she introduced the singer with a smile. "Who are you wearing? Can you please talk about that?"

"I have my snake," Bieber said, displaying a live pet reptile in his hand. "I have red pants and cheetah shoes."

"What's your snake's name?" Gomez expertly followed up.

"My snake's name is Johnson," Bieber responded.

"You're up for Best Male Video," Gomez continued. "I wanna know — you're up against Eminem and Bruno Mars — do you feel a little nervous at all?"

"You know, I'm just excited to be in the category with such amazing people," Bieber said of his fellow nominees. "I'm just happy to be here."

"Rumored to be performing is Jay-Z and Kanye [West], and I know you like them both," Gomez continued, adding a bit of her Bieber expertise to the conversation. "Are you excited to see them perform?"

"Very excited," Bieber said. "I heard that it was kind of a last minute thing, but I'm really excited."

Gomez, again relying upon her insider Bieber knowledge, prodded Bieber further, asking if he was more excited for Jay-Z and Kanye West, or another of his favorites, Beyoncé.

"I'm excited to see Beyoncé too," Bieber said with a grin.

"Good," Gomez said, clearly pleased with their work. "Thank you so much. Thank you for hanging out, babe," she said to Bieber, as the "Baby" singer leaned in to plant a sweet kiss on Gomez's cheek.

The 28th annual MTV Video Music Awards are live now! Stick with MTV News for winners, photos, video and behind-the-scenes stories about everything going down. Visit for the latest.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

House Painting: Preparing and also Preparing Are usually the Key ...

House painting will be a formidable activity if you wish to make it a Do-it-yourself task. Before you decide to set about this specific significant task, it is necessary to perform the idea proper. Planning as well as preparation are the sound key base that can enable you to perform the job successfully.

It is better if you can find a complex asst to assist you. Arranging requires surveying the issue of the exterior of your current house, itemizing the vehicle repairs would have to be carried out, taking along dimensions of the details associated with the house, canvassing the costs of the paint and also other films you need, identifying the closing color color you will use, technique of application, precisely what resources and equipments you will want, are you going to make use of a steps or scaffold, washing regarding surfaces, for beginners, paint quality, conditions as well as other critical and linked issues.

In picking paint, there are 2 varieties that happen to be the acrylic based as well as latex fresh paint. Latex fresh paint is actually a water based paint and intensely ideal for outdoor painting. This particular fresh paint can be simply washed together with soap and water you?ll take pride in cures up quickly. You must address the problem regarding the coloration combination from the earliest probable period. For doing that, it?s best to fill up your thoughts with exterior house color ideas. You can travel to a few components retailers and look at their own coloration data and look the most up-to-date paint arrivals. Fresh technological innovation has created the idea feasible to manufacture shows which in turn dried out rapidly and they are odorless. Find some good tips coming from periodicals and also the web. Pay a visit to the sites associated with on the internet paint marketers as well as retailers. Try to find organizations that are giving totally free estimates and continue to reach the very least 3 quotations. It is advisable and also to find very same variety of published quotes through painting installers in close proximity to your area.

In terms of the issue regarding color blend, it is important to select numerous colors which in turn combination well pertaining to the total exterior structure. You need to match up distinct hues for the exterior, entry way, tangible, trim, roof, car port entrance, windowpane structures and shades. The coloration structure must go with together with the sort of architecture of your house. Focus on the shade system to your favourite external area including your own garage entrance, wall, main entrance or perhaps roof structure. Make it your current centerpiece.

To your external body, light to medium beige or lotion, and light yellow or even brown colors are generally excellent. These kinds of colors are generally resistant against the sun?s rays. Don?t succumb to any recommendation to utilize vivid red or dark green with regard to the physique but it?s just the thing for your porcelain tile as well as steel rooftops. However mixture it using the centre coloration and also complement it?s going to the other features also.

When you?re able to to have the coloring quotations coming from the paint organizations as well as the painting job quotes using a malfunction for coloring materials expense and labor charge via the painting building contractors and also have the possiblity to compare them, you may have an obvious thought of the opportunity regarding the project. Assess the idea together with the preliminary estimates you have carried out on your own. According to these details, you are able to choose completely if you need to perform the painting your self or perhaps determine the undertaking to the painting company whom offered an individual the very best and many fair exterior house painting proposal.

Don?t forget that the color you end up picking pertaining to the major function of one?s house can provide a priceless impression on you mainly because it displays your current individuality as well as tastes with the method the idea matches up and also integrates with the various other minimal colors. Any shade combination variety can make your current house jump out where you live. You?ll know it from the stunning as well as trustworthy remarks of one?s neighborhood friends as well as guests. All your family members people will probably be the very first kinds to respect and also congratulate an individual once the process will be attained.

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New skin test determines age of wild animals to help control nuisance animals

New skin test determines age of wild animals to help control nuisance animals [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Aug-2011
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Contact: Michael Bernstein
303-228-8532 (Aug. 25-Sept. 1)
202-872-6042 (Before Aug. 25)

Michael Woods
303-228-8532 (Aug. 25-Sept. 1)
202-872-6293 (Before Aug. 25)

American Chemical Society

DENVER, Aug. 28, 2011 A new skin test can determine the age of wild animals while they are still alive, providing information needed to control population explosions among nuisance animals, according to a report here today at the 242nd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

ACS, the world largest scientific society with more than 163,000 members, is holding the meeting through Thursday at the Colorado Convention Center and downtown hotels. With 7,500 reports on new advances in science and more than 12,000 scientists and others expected in attendance, it will be one of 2011s largest scientific gatherings.

Randal Stahl, Ph.D., said that the improved method will provide important information about the health and stability of herds, flocks and other populations of wild animals, which lack the established birthdates of prized cattle, horses, and many household pets.

Determining the age of wild animals is important for a number of reasons, Stahl explained. We are in the midst of population explosions of some animals that have negative impacts on people, property and other animals. Wildlife management programs have been established to cope with the situation. Some of these programs, for instance, seek to maintain healthy numbers of breeding pairs. The new skin test will help us tell how many animals in a wild population are of breeding age.

Stahl is a scientist with the National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) in Fort Collins, CO. The center is the research arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services program.

The test detects pentosidine, a biomarker for so-called advanced glycation end products (AGEs), substances that form in the body as a result of aging; the amounts can indicate an animals age. Those substances also form in humans, and have been linked to a range of chronic disorders, including type 2 diabetes, cancer and Alzheimers disease.

Tests for AGEs already exist and have been used in both animals and humans. At the ACS meeting, Stahl and colleagues described development of a more sensitive version of the animal test. That test involves taking a biopsy, or sample, of the animals skin. In the past, scientists needed such a large skin sample about the size of a postage stamp that scientists usually could do the test only on dead animals. The new version of the test requires a skin sample only the size of a pea.

We improved the sensitivity of the pentosidine test so we can detect very small amounts of it, Stahl said. The advance will enable scientists to capture a few individuals, take a small skin sample without harming the animal and then release it back into the wild. With this approach, we can sample a population repeatedly over time without having an effect on the size of the population.

Stahls group is currently studying double-crested cormorants, large fish-eating birds that have become a nuisance due to population explosions. Federal and state agencies in the Great Lakes region, and other areas, are trying to manage cormorant populations to reduce the birds adverse impacts on vegetation, other water birds, private property, fish farming, sports fishing and risks of collisions with aircraft. Those efforts involve maintaining the number of breeding pairs of cormorants at environmentally healthy levels. And the new skin test will enable scientists to gauge the number of birds that are of breeding age.

Collaborating with the NWRC field station in Mississippi, the researchers also developed a technique of handling cormorants to obtain samples with little harm to the birds. They place a small hollow metal cylinder called a biopsy punch on the birds skin to remove the sample and then put an adhesive on the wound to prevent infection and promote healing, just like a Band-Aid. No anesthesia is needed.

Stahl plans to use the skin analysis method to study other wild populations, such as invasive species of snakes and lizards in Florida. And because of recent coyote attacks on humans in populated areas, such as the suburbs of New York City and in California, Stahls team also will use the method to determine the demographics of these urban coyote populations during management activities.


The American Chemical Society is a non-profit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 163,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

To automatically receive news releases from the American Chemical Society contact


Scientists at the National Wildlife Research Center are evaluating the feasibility of assessing an organism's age based on pentosidine levels measured in skin tissue biopsy samples. The advanced glycation end product, pentosidine, accumulates in the tissue collagen. Skin biopsy samples used for live sampling organisms pose unique problems for determining concentration due to the small sample size coupled with the low levels of pentosidine found in the sample. We have developed a micro acid hydrolysis extraction for pentosidine. The pentosidine extract is injected on to an XDB-C8 column and eluted using a gradient with a mobile phase of methanol/water containing the ion paring reagent heptafluorobutyric acid. A fluorescence detector withexcitation at 328 nm and detection at 378 nm is used to quantify the pentosidine. Details of the method and results for select skin biopsy samples will be presented.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

New skin test determines age of wild animals to help control nuisance animals [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 28-Aug-2011
[ | E-mail | Share Share ]

Contact: Michael Bernstein
303-228-8532 (Aug. 25-Sept. 1)
202-872-6042 (Before Aug. 25)

Michael Woods
303-228-8532 (Aug. 25-Sept. 1)
202-872-6293 (Before Aug. 25)

American Chemical Society

DENVER, Aug. 28, 2011 A new skin test can determine the age of wild animals while they are still alive, providing information needed to control population explosions among nuisance animals, according to a report here today at the 242nd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).

ACS, the world largest scientific society with more than 163,000 members, is holding the meeting through Thursday at the Colorado Convention Center and downtown hotels. With 7,500 reports on new advances in science and more than 12,000 scientists and others expected in attendance, it will be one of 2011s largest scientific gatherings.

Randal Stahl, Ph.D., said that the improved method will provide important information about the health and stability of herds, flocks and other populations of wild animals, which lack the established birthdates of prized cattle, horses, and many household pets.

Determining the age of wild animals is important for a number of reasons, Stahl explained. We are in the midst of population explosions of some animals that have negative impacts on people, property and other animals. Wildlife management programs have been established to cope with the situation. Some of these programs, for instance, seek to maintain healthy numbers of breeding pairs. The new skin test will help us tell how many animals in a wild population are of breeding age.

Stahl is a scientist with the National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) in Fort Collins, CO. The center is the research arm of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Wildlife Services program.

The test detects pentosidine, a biomarker for so-called advanced glycation end products (AGEs), substances that form in the body as a result of aging; the amounts can indicate an animals age. Those substances also form in humans, and have been linked to a range of chronic disorders, including type 2 diabetes, cancer and Alzheimers disease.

Tests for AGEs already exist and have been used in both animals and humans. At the ACS meeting, Stahl and colleagues described development of a more sensitive version of the animal test. That test involves taking a biopsy, or sample, of the animals skin. In the past, scientists needed such a large skin sample about the size of a postage stamp that scientists usually could do the test only on dead animals. The new version of the test requires a skin sample only the size of a pea.

We improved the sensitivity of the pentosidine test so we can detect very small amounts of it, Stahl said. The advance will enable scientists to capture a few individuals, take a small skin sample without harming the animal and then release it back into the wild. With this approach, we can sample a population repeatedly over time without having an effect on the size of the population.

Stahls group is currently studying double-crested cormorants, large fish-eating birds that have become a nuisance due to population explosions. Federal and state agencies in the Great Lakes region, and other areas, are trying to manage cormorant populations to reduce the birds adverse impacts on vegetation, other water birds, private property, fish farming, sports fishing and risks of collisions with aircraft. Those efforts involve maintaining the number of breeding pairs of cormorants at environmentally healthy levels. And the new skin test will enable scientists to gauge the number of birds that are of breeding age.

Collaborating with the NWRC field station in Mississippi, the researchers also developed a technique of handling cormorants to obtain samples with little harm to the birds. They place a small hollow metal cylinder called a biopsy punch on the birds skin to remove the sample and then put an adhesive on the wound to prevent infection and promote healing, just like a Band-Aid. No anesthesia is needed.

Stahl plans to use the skin analysis method to study other wild populations, such as invasive species of snakes and lizards in Florida. And because of recent coyote attacks on humans in populated areas, such as the suburbs of New York City and in California, Stahls team also will use the method to determine the demographics of these urban coyote populations during management activities.


The American Chemical Society is a non-profit organization chartered by the U.S. Congress. With more than 163,000 members, ACS is the world's largest scientific society and a global leader in providing access to chemistry-related research through its multiple databases, peer-reviewed journals and scientific conferences. Its main offices are in Washington, D.C., and Columbus, Ohio.

To automatically receive news releases from the American Chemical Society contact


Scientists at the National Wildlife Research Center are evaluating the feasibility of assessing an organism's age based on pentosidine levels measured in skin tissue biopsy samples. The advanced glycation end product, pentosidine, accumulates in the tissue collagen. Skin biopsy samples used for live sampling organisms pose unique problems for determining concentration due to the small sample size coupled with the low levels of pentosidine found in the sample. We have developed a micro acid hydrolysis extraction for pentosidine. The pentosidine extract is injected on to an XDB-C8 column and eluted using a gradient with a mobile phase of methanol/water containing the ion paring reagent heptafluorobutyric acid. A fluorescence detector withexcitation at 328 nm and detection at 378 nm is used to quantify the pentosidine. Details of the method and results for select skin biopsy samples will be presented.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Inspiring Sports Women: Another first for women in sport - rodeo-riding

Yup, that's a cowgirl right there. Bull - 900 kgs. Woman - 50kgs. You don't need to be a mathematical genius to work out the probability that this could end in tears. I don't know why it's anymore surprising to me than someone climbing glaciers or big-wave surfing but there you are, it's surprising.

The Mt Isa show in Western Australia is 53-years-old, Wrenn was the first woman competitor. She stayed up for four seconds which I'm told is not bad but leaves room for improvement as the qualifying time for the next round was eight seconds. But it's definitely four seconds more than I'd give any bull that size! Speaking to the journalist afterwards, she said: ""I didn't even hear the crowd. You have to stay focussed, squeeze your legs, watch the head and horns and keep up off the bull. I don't like the focus on me as I haven't ridden eight seconds (the requirement for a score) and there are so many riders who should be acknowledged.

"I don't want to be known as a female bull rider, just a bull rider."

So there you are, another bastion of all-male sport crumbling just a little around the edges. If you know of any other firsts or women competing in male-dominated sports, don't be shy - share the love in a comment.


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

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[unable to retrieve full-text content]These are several reasons why you should buy a pre-foreclosed home in the Miami real estate market. 1. Motivated seller. The seller is desperate and has to sell right now. When a seller is faced with a foreclosure he/she ...


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Skin Care Treatment | Yervoy Introducing New Skin Cancer Drug

A new skin cancer drug has been granted in England. The drug is well known as ipilimumab and is a product of brand name Yervoy. Well, all over media, the disinfectant has been dubbed as a ?wonder drug for skin cancer?.

Since 1970, it is is to initial time that such a skin care treatment ?first actual advance? has been introduced.

Well, not similar newspapers have since not similar estimates is to cost of this drug. The drug is expected to cost 18,000 per course.

Recently, it has moreover advance in to observe that the European Commission has granted selling authorisation to this drug ipilimumab and thus right away this drug may be sole via the European Union.

It is essentially the European Medicines Agency that is at the back this preference because usually EMA is accountable for reviewing the indication concerning the efficiency and safety of drugs. And moreover usually EMA can confirm that either a drug should be authorised to be sole in the EU or not.



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Death toll rises to 53 in attack on Mexico casino (AP)

MONTERREY, Mexico ? Rescue workers recovered burned bodies and anxious residents crowded behind yellow police tape Friday waiting to hear if relatives were among the victims of a grisly arson attack on a casino by presumed drug traffickers that killed at least 52 gamblers and employees.

Family members arrived at the morgue all through the night in Monterrey, a modern metropolis and one of Mexico's most important business centers that has recently become the target of increasing drug-related violence.

The armed assailants burst into the casino Thursday afternoon and then poured and ignited gasoline, burning the casino to the ground in what President Felipe Calderon described as the worst attack on innocent civilians in recent memory.

Nuevo Leon state Gov. Rodrigo Medina lowered the death toll to 52 early Friday in fire in northern industrial city of Monterrey. He had said late Thursday 53 people had died in the fire at the Casino Royale.

Santiago Loera, 53, came looking for his brother, Miguel Angel, a cook at another casino who had gone to the Casino Royale to sign a new contract.

"We think he's here," Loera said.

Loera said authorities have asked him for a DNA sample.

So far 45 of the victims have been identified

The fire represented one of the deadliest attacks in Mexico since President Felipe Calderon launched an offensive against drug cartels in late 2006.

Francisco Tamayo, 28, of Monterrey, said he and family members looked at about 40 bodies in search of his mother, Sonia de la Pena, 47, who loved to gamble at the casino and was there on average four days a week. They had yet to find her.

When Tamayo learned of the fire from television, he ran to the scene.

"She's probably here," said Tamayo, who repeatedly called her cell phone, only to hear that it was out of the area of service.

Calderon tweeted that the attack was "an abhorrent act of terror and barbarism" that requires "all of us to persevere in the fight against these unscrupulous criminal bands."

Attorney General Leon Adrian de la Garza said a drug cartel was apparently responsible for the attack, though he didn't name which one. Cartels often extort casinos and other businesses, threatening to attack them or burn them to the ground if they refuse to pay.

It was the second time in three months that the Casino Royale was targeted. Gunmen struck it and three other casinos on May 25, spraying the building with bullets, but no was reported injured in that attack.

The fire in the two-story casino, which advertised sports book and bingo, was reported just before 4 p.m. local time (5 p.m. EDT; 2100 GMT), a slow time of day when normally about 80 people played the tables and slots, said former security guard Alberto Martinez Alvarado, 30. Martinez, who was on his way home from work Thursday when he saw the fire, said the casino could hold hundreds, perhaps 1,000 people.

"We're lucky we weren't there," he said. "Why couldn't the people who did this do some honest work instead?"

State police officials quoted survivors as saying armed men burst into the casino, apparently to rob it, and began dousing the premises with fuel from tanks they brought with them. The officials were not authorized to be quoted by name for security reasons. De la Garza said the liquid appeared to be gasoline.

With shouts and profanities, the attackers told the customers and employees to get out. But many terrified customers and employees fled further inside the building, where they died trapped amid the flames and thick smoke that soon billowed out of the building.

Monterrey Mayor Fernando Larrazabal said many of the bodies were found inside the casino's bathrooms, where employees and customers had locked themselves to escape the gunmen.

Authorities commandeered backhoes from a nearby construction site and made a brief attempt to break into the casino's walls as smoke billowed from the main entrance, hindering firefighters.

Maria Tomas Navarro, 42, stood weeping at the edge of the police tape stretched in front of the smoke-stained casino building. She was hoping for word of her brother, 25-year-old Genaro Navarro Vega, who had worked in the casino's bingo area.

Navarro said she tried calling her brother's cell phone. "But he doesn't answer. I don't know what is happening," she said. "There is nobody to ask."

Monterrey has seen bloody turf battles between the Zetas and Gulf cartels in recent months. Once Mexico's symbol of development and prosperity, the city is seeing this year's drug-related murders on a pace to double last year's and triple those of the year before.

Last month, gunmen killed 20 people at a bar in Monterrey. The attackers sprayed the bar with rounds from assault rifles, and police later found bags of drugs at the bar.

State police officials initially said witnesses reported hearing three explosions before Thursday's fire started, but later said a flammable material was used. The officials were not authorized to be quoted by name for security reasons.

The reports of explosions may have been the sound of the ignition of the liquid.

Norma Reyes, 45, was one of the people who received good news Thursday. Her son called her before she even heard about the fire to say he was all right. Jonathan Reyes, 25, who worked as an area supervisor, told his mother he was at the hospital trying to find out what happened to his co-workers.

"God took care of us today," she said.


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