Tuesday, December 4, 2012

How To Start An Internet Business

I've read alot of articles about Internet Marketing, Affiliate and reseller jobs online... but I'm really leery of them.

I admit I do NOT know a thing about this stuff and so I'm probably an easy target for scammers, so I want to find out if this is truly a viable income and how can I get started? Does it yield a return quickly (as I've read before) and what do I need to know about it all??

Can you help me? Thanks! -Terri

When you research how to start an internet business, you should be leery!

Sadly there are countless scams out there, preying on your lack of knowledge. And many "opportunities" that are seriously misleading in terms of what to expect.

It's all very frustrating, I know. The truth is, it's not at all difficult or expensive to set up an online business. In fact, it's quite simple!

What You Need To Know First...

Yes, you can earn a great income online. Unfortunately there are many advertisements, programs, opportunities (and scams) that make it very confusing - and grossly misrepresent what you need to invest, and what you can expect in return.

The first thing you need to know is that an Internet Business is just like any other business. It's not the lottery or a "get rich quick" opportunity. Understanding that going in, and treating it like a business, is the key to getting started on the right foot.

The trick is in finding the right combination of business model and topic/niche for you specifically. Your business will be unique to you in many ways, so you want to keep an open mind when you're considering what you want to do - and why.

Expecting all the answers from someone else, or searching for a blueprint where you can just follow the steps without investing yourself personally, is an employee mindset. You want to get into the mindset of an Entrepreneur instead, and figure out what you can CREATE. Every business is an opportunity to express yourself, share your best talents and personal assets, and serve a market.

You may not know exactly what that business is going in, and that's okay.

Be flexible and be ready to learn and change as you go.

Your best ideas will come to you while you're actively working, once you dive in and get your feet wet - not while you're... researching. ;-)

But don't worry. It's not rocket science.

In fact, none of it is nearly as difficult as some people and programs make it out to be. And unlike an offline business, you can start an online business on a shoestring budget, and still build a very successful venture with HUGE profit potential!

How To Start An Internet Business... Successfully

Put some serious thought into it upfront because your business will become a very big part of your life. And done right, it will be something you seriously enjoy! I can tell you from firsthand experience that some business models are no fun at all - they're simply work. Even way more work than any "job" you've ever had.

See: How to Choose A Niche

Another thing I highly recommend is that you connect with people who are already doing what you want to do. Find a community or group of like minded people online where you can brainstorm and share resources. This will be invaluable while you're getting started and going through the steps of setting up your business.

I invite you to join us at the ClickNewz Forum. It's a great group of action takers and savvy online business owners on all levels!

And if you would like personal help with your business, every step of the way, see: Getting Serious About Making Money Online.

Once you've chosen a topic and model, everything else is just a matter of steps to get your business set up online. You'll likely have questions along the way, or you may need feedback about choosing the right niche - or angle within that niche. That's where a helpful community comes in. ;-)

Take action today and get your successful Internet Business off the ground!


p.s. If you have questions about how to start an internet business, leave a comment below. I'll be happy to answer your questions, or direct you to a resource or free tutorial here on ClickNewz to help you through the step you're on. So ask away! :D

Source: http://www.clicknewz.com/5771/how-to-start-an-internet-business/

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