Monday, May 23, 2011

Dangers and the Excitement of Archery Bear Hunting | Reviews ...

Bears are big, powerful and at times, terrifying animals. A black bear can maul a man to death, as can any type of bear. Archery bear hunting is a painstaking and deadly sport, and you have to be ready for almost anything, and above all else, be very good with your bow, because one mistake during bear hunting with a bow and arrow could mean your life.

Before going bear hunting you should practice a lot. A beginner should never hunt a bear. You must also have the right kind of bow and arrows.

The bow you use should have a draw weight of at least fifty pounds, but sixty would be even better. Bears are big animals, and you need a bow that is powerful enough to drive an arrow into it deeply enough to kill it.

You should also use some type of broad head arrow. You?ll need something big enough and deadly enough to take the bear down quickly.

Once you are comfortable with your bow, and efficient in its use, you can begin to think about hunting the bear. Most bear hunters use what is called a stand. A stand is usually built in a tree, where it serves to hide the hunter from the animal.

You can also build a stand on the ground, but these types of stands are slightly less effective, because the animal is more likely to spot you when you go to draw your bow and because if you are elevated in a tree stand, the animal is less likely to smell you.

You then build a small haven filled with the bear?s favorite food. The haven should be about fifteen to twenty five yards away from your stand, and it should force the bear to stand at an angle exposing its chest area.

The next step in bear hunting with a bow and arrow is less glamorous than you might think. You need to have patience and remain in your stand, possibly for hours, and wait for a bear to take the bait.

When you finally get a shot you?re comfortable with, you take it. If you only wound the bear, or are not a good enough shot to kill it, you risk wounding it. This can lead to the animal dying painfully somewhere in the woods from infection, or of enraging the bear enough to attack you.

As you can imagine, neither of these options are a good idea.

Archery bear hunting isn?t something you take lightly. It can be dangerous and only experienced archers should do it.

Archery Articles:

Learning Recurve Archery
Why Use a Recurve Archery Bow?
Add a Bow Stabilizer to Your Compound Bow
Rules and Regulations for Archery Olympics Competition


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