Thursday, June 28, 2012

Heart rate monitoring - Wellness and Fitness

garmin 405 heart rate monitorToo many people fail to reap the benefits of an aerobic fitness program because they are exercising for too short a time and without enough vigor. Remember, 20 minutes of continuous activity is good. 30 minutes is better. 40 minutes is best.

In order to obtain a training effect you?re going to have to exercise at a level where your heart rate is at least over 65% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). 70% is better and, as you get fitter 80% is achievable. As time goes on you?ll find that you?re able to train at increasingly higher heart rate levels for longer periods of time. But as I?ve said, you don?t need to belt yourself up during every session.

Vary the intensity of your sessions. Maximum heart rate is said to be 220 minus your age, so if you?re a 40 year old work on a maximum heart rate figure of 180. 65% of that is around 115 beats per minute (BPM) 70% around 125 BPM and 80% is a bit over 140 BPM. If you?re younger work at higher target heart rates.

I recommend you get a heart rate meter so you can keep track of your heart rate while you exercise. A basic level, heart rate meter is quite adequate.

As you get fitter you?ll notice that you can keep your heart rate at higher levels for longer periods of time. With the heart rate meter you?ll quickly learn how to monitor the intensity of your workout.

You?ll also notice that as you get fitter your heart rate comes down quicker after exercise than it did before. On top of that you?ll notice that it stays slightly elevated for quite a while after you?ve finished exercising, which is a bonus for people wanting to lose weight.

As a rule of thumb, it is probable that your resting pulse rate will decline as you become fitter.

The lowest resting pulse rate that I?ve heard of belongs to long distance cycling champion, Migual Indurain, timed at 26 beats per minute. As I understand it, Bjorn Borg?s was 28, Herb Elliott?s in the mid 30?s and Shane Gould?s 38.


As you become aerobically fitter your resting blood pressure will come down, and for a high proportion of people with elevated blood pressure it will return to within the normal range. This is because the exercise is stimulating your elimination system and cooling down an over-stimulated sympathetic nervous system. If you think you?ve got to stay on blood pressure medication for the rest of your life, think again.

If you?re one of the people on the type of blood pressure tablet that prevents your heart rate from going up as you exercise, ask your medical practitioner to change your medication so you can reap the full benefits of a vigorous aerobic training program.

In a nutshell. Get a heart rate monitor and do the exercise job properly.

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