Saturday, May 19, 2012

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19 May 2012 2 views No Comment

Submitted by Joseph Watt (Grosse Pointe North High School)

It was not long ago; with the culmination of my high school career getting ready to blossom in fromt of my vary eyes, did I finally experience the true magic in experiencing a highly motivated, as well as talented educator.

On an uncharacteristically warm- fall- day in mid September, I anxiously entered into the bowels of my new school. One cannot help but feel a sense of trepidation walking amongst individuals whom you have never met; or, have not become accustume too. I then began to stride quickly to my first hour (Mr. Williams creative writing class). I could feel my already un-easy sense of security melt away. I made the final leap, I entered the classroom that unbeknownst to me; would change radically, how I perceived my own education. I begrudgingly strode to my seat. While seating there, I couldn?t help but look at the densely populated walls; which were full of artistic works ranging from the conventional, to anything but. By the time the bell rang, I was in a daze. Mr. Williams broke that daze by announcing the start of an ?adventure?. Mr. Williams proceeded by saying that: Reading, writing , and anyother form of creative expression; is simply an extension of the soul. I was taken aback, from the get, by such unconventional rationale. Our first assignment of the year, was to engage in what Mr. Williams dubbed ?group-poetic-thought?. This process entailed: Everyone in the classroom sitting in a circle, while each of us, on an individual basis, formulates a concept for a poefter this stage was complete, everyone was then directed to pass their poem sketches around the room, to be augmented to by the rest of the class. After this excersise was complete, Mr. Williams directed that everyone retrieve their poems, and read them. Utter shock came over me. Mr. Williams gave us our first philisophical lesson about how similar we truly are; without evening speaking. During the course of the semester, we engaged in expression ranging from the different variations of rhymes, to our summarative assignment, the ?children?s story?. With each assignment, which was masterfuly crafted, a message was present for ?us?, the students, to attain. How Mr. Williams was able to integrate academia, as well as a moral theme into all of his assignments, is still something that puzzles me to this very day. I had never been in a class (fore or since), that has challeneged me both intellectually, as well as morally. For this, I believe some recognition is due.

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