Saturday, March 31, 2012

Honeycombs of magnets could lead to new type of computer processing

Friday, March 30, 2012

Scientists have taken an important step forward in developing a new material using nano-sized magnets that could ultimately lead to new types of electronic devices, with greater capacity than is currently feasible, in a study published today in the journal Science.

Many modern data storage devices, like hard disk drives, rely on the ability to manipulate the properties of tiny individual magnetic sections, but their overall design is limited by the way these magnetic 'domains' interact when they are close together.

Now, researchers from Imperial College London have demonstrated that a honeycomb pattern of nano-sized magnets, in a material known as spin ice, introduces competition between neighbouring magnets, and reduces the problems caused by these interactions by two-thirds. They have shown that large arrays of these nano-magnets can be used to store computable information. The arrays can then be read by measuring their electrical resistance.

The scientists have so far been able to 'read' and 'write' patterns in the magnetic fields, and a key challenge now is to develop a way to utilise these patterns to perform calculations, and to do so at room temperature. At the moment, they are working with the magnets at temperatures below minus 223oC.

Research author Dr Will Branford and his team have been investigating how to manipulate the magnetic state of nano-structured spin ices using a magnetic field and how to read their state by measuring their electrical resistance. They found that at low temperatures (below minus 223oC) the magnetic bits act in a collective manner and arrange themselves into patterns. This changes their resistance to an electrical current so that if one is passed through the material, this produces a characteristic measurement that the scientists can identify.

The scientists have so far been able to 'read' and 'write' patterns at room temperature. However, at the moment the collective behaviour is only seen at temperatures below minus 223oC. A key challenge now is to develop a way to utilise these patterns to perform calculations, and to do so at room temperature.

Current technology uses one magnetic domain to store a single bit of information. The new finding suggests that a cluster of many domains could be used to solve a complex computational problem in a single calculation. Computation of this type is known as a neural network, and is more similar to how our brains work than to the way in which traditional computers process information.

Dr Branford, who is an EPSRC Career Acceleration Fellow in the Department of Physics at Imperial College London, said: "Electronics manufacturers are trying all the time to squeeze more data into the same devices, or the same data into a tinier space for handheld devices like smart phones and mobile computers. However, the innate interaction between magnets has so far limited what they can do. In some new types of memory, manufacturers try to avoid the limitations of magnetism by avoiding using magnets altogether, using things like ferroelectric (flash) memory, memristors or antiferromagnets instead. However, these solutions are slow, expensive or hard to read out. Our philosophy is to harness the magnetic interactions, making them work in our favour."

Although today's research represents a key step forward, the researchers say there are many hurdles to overcome before scientists will be able to create prototype devices based on this technique such as developing an algorithm to control the computation. The nature of this algorithm will determine whether the room temperature state can be used or if the low temperature collective behaviour is required. However, they are optimistic that if these challenges can be tackled successfully, new technology using magnetic honeycombs might be available in ten to fifteen years.

In experiments, Dr Branford applied an electrical current across a continuous honeycomb mesh, made from cobalt magnetic bars each 1 micrometer long and 100 nanometres wide, and covering an area 100 square micrometers (as pictured). A single unit of the honeycomb mesh is like three bar magnets meeting in the centre of a triangle. There is no way to arrange them without having either two north poles or two south poles touching and repelling each other, this is called a 'frustrated' magnetic system. In a single triangular unit there are six ways to arrange the magnets such that they have exactly the same level of frustration, and as you increase the number of triangular units in the honeycomb, the number of possible arrangements of magnets increases exponentially, increasing the complexity of possible patterns.

Previous studies have shown that external magnetic fields can cause the magnetic domain of each bar to change state. This in turn affects the interaction between that bar and its two neighbouring bars in the honeycomb, and it is this pattern of magnetic states that Dr Branford says could be computer data.

Dr Branford said: "The strong interaction between neighbouring magnets allows us to subtly affect how the patterns form across the honeycomb. This is something we can take advantage of to compute complex problems because many different outcomes are possible, and we can differentiate between them electronically. Our next big challenge is to make an array of nano-magnets that can be 'programmed' without using external magnetic fields."


Imperial College London:

Thanks to Imperial College London for this article.

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Sinels lawyer passes Jersey Advocacy exams and leads new ...

Sinels Advocate, Lauren Glynn, is to head the firm?s new dedicated criminal law and legal aid department following her Jersey Advocacy exam success.

The department will expand on Sinels? existing commitment to Jersey?s legal aid system, by providing a resource to help those vulnerable persons and families who are otherwise unable to access legal advice.

The ability to offer a dedicated criminal law and legal aid department comes as a result of the recent professionalisation of Sinels? internal support structures. This reorganisation has allowed Sinels to continue to provide exceptional Jersey legal advice, while enabling the firm to expand its current range of services.

The department will complement Sinels? award-winning commercial litigation and personal & family law departments, where clients include large institutions and high-net-worth individuals.

Commenting on the department?s launch, Senior Partner of Sinels Advocates, Philip Sinel, said:

?Sinels has always maintained a close interest in the provision of legal services for the most vulnerable people in Jersey, and we are delighted to now be able to provide a dedicated department to act in their best interests. Our recent reorganisation has already yielded positive results and we look forward to further growth in 2012.?

Lauren Glynn added:

?The ultimate beneficiaries of legal aid are often children and families and I am pleased to be heading up the firm?s efforts to provide them with the best possible future.?

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China punishes social media, websites on coup talk

(AP) ? China is closing a dozen websites, penalizing two popular social media sites and detaining six people for circulating rumors of a coup that rattled Beijing in the midst of its worst high-level political crisis in years.

The extensive clampdown, announced late Friday by state media, underscores the authoritarian government's anxieties over a public that is wired to the Internet and eager to discuss political events despite censorship and threats of punishment.

A Xinhua News Agency report said Beijing police questioned and admonished an unspecified number of Internet users and detained six people not further identified. Aside from the 16 websites shut down, two Twitter-like services run by Sina Corporation and Tencent Holdings, which each have more than 300 million users, said they would disable their comment functions for three days in a necessary "concerted cleanup."

Users of the services ? the most unfettered media in China ? received a notice when they tried to post comments explaining the suspension was due to the many "rumors and such illegal, harmful information." Original postings are still allowed, and some used them to castigate the government.

"Every time you murder free speech, we all take note of your reaction. Your gradual loss of public credibility is the result of such messes," Wang Gongquan, a private equity executive, wrote on his Sina microblog account, which has 1.3 million followers.

Both the coup rumors and the crackdown show how the firing two weeks ago of Bo Xilai, the populist leader of the mega-city of Chongqing, has brought leadership struggles out of the usually closed confines of elite Communist Party politics and into the public.

Yet to be fully explained, Bo's dismissal came after a top aide fled temporarily to a U.S. consulate, apparently to seek asylum and in violation of party rules. It also came as the senior leadership gears up for a handover of power to a younger generation leaders in the fall, always an a period of intense bargaining.

Politically minded Chinese saw the removal of Bo, considered a contender for a top job only months ago, as a sign of divisive infighting. Speculation about Bo's fate and that of others ricocheted across microblogs and spiraled into talk of troop movements and gunshots around the leadership's Zhongnanhai compound in central Beijing on March 19.

The Internet sites and people punished fabricated and disseminated rumors that "military vehicles are entering Beijing, something is going wrong in Beijing" and similar posts, Xinhua said, citing the State Internet Information Office, an interagency body charged with policing the Internet.

Over the past week, President Hu Jintao and other senior leaders have tried to project an image of unity and reassert control over the public message. Censors have furiously blocked and unblocked a range of terms to quell errant microblog chatter; "coup" remained a banned search term Saturday.

"Internet rumors and lies packaged as 'facts' will turn conjecture into 'reality,' stir up trouble online and disturb people's minds," the party's flagship newspaper People's Daily said in a commentary accompanying the announcement of the clampdown. "If allowed to run amok, they will seriously disrupt social order, affect social stability and harm social integrity."

The Twitter-like microblogs, with their huge user numbers and rapid-fire postings, have proved a challenge for Beijing and its Internet monitors. Social media played a role in forcing the government to disclose more information after a crash on the showcase high-speed rail network last summer and to provide more information on the thick air pollution in Beijing and other cities.

A new rule requiring social media users to register accounts under their real names and identity card numbers by the middle of March failed to deter the rumors over Bo or a coup.

Following the detentions, shutdowns and other penalties, Pan Shiyi, a celebrity real estate developer and prolific microblog poster with 9 million followers, questioned Saturday whether the tactics were "the right medicine" to deal with rumors. Pan had not directly posted about a coup but had noted the heavy-handed censorship. To dispel rumors about himself, he said: "I'm not among the six."

Associated Press

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ZTE announces 2011 financials: turnover up, profits down, political scandals tricky

ZTE's annual earnings report is out and it's a mixed bag for the Chinese company with aspirations to go west. Revenues grew 23 percent to 86.25 billion RMB ($13.7 billion) but net profit fell a hefty 36.6 percent to 2.06 billion RMB ($327 million). More than half of ZTE's operating revenue came from overseas as the company moves into the global space and, while some of that cash came from its smartphone business, much more poured in from the infrastructure arm that supplies LTE equipment to networks. At the same time, ZTE is having to deal with accusations that it sold $131 million worth of snooping gear to Iran to monitor its own citizens, forcing the company to limit its operations there -- although it insists this won't have any impact on its future income.

Continue reading ZTE announces 2011 financials: turnover up, profits down, political scandals tricky

ZTE announces 2011 financials: turnover up, profits down, political scandals tricky originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 30 Mar 2012 04:08:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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PlayStation 3 Review: Syndicate (2012) - Blogcritics Gaming

Imagine what might happen if a group of software developers got together to reboot a once-popular PC game franchise. Much like with the re-imaginings that take place all-too often in the world of motion pictures, said game makers would have to perform a major overhaul on just about every aspect of the original ? giving their project such a giant face-lift that very little of the new title?s source material remained. Now picture that our company of video game architects ? whom we?ll just go ahead and call Starbreeze Studios from hereon in ? made the same mistake the people in Hollywood tend to make, and became so obsessed with making their title so modern and niche, that they completely neglected to make it interesting in the process.

Yes, kids, I?m sorry to say that Starbreeze Studio?s version of Bullfrog Productions? good ol? ?90s Syndicate series is a painfully dull one. Straight from the get-go, Syndicate sets out to impress you ? but its generic premise and sloppy manufacturing prevent such a thing from happening. Even the ?star? talents of Rosario Dawson, Brian Cox, and Michael Wincott (all of whom appear in the game via caricatures of themselves) don?t help any. The game begins with an introduction to the world we?re about to play in: a half-dystopian land of the future wherein mega-huge-?ber-conglomerate Eurocorp has perfected and created the ?DART chip? ? a really techie-like thingamabob that has rendered most of our current electronic devices (mobile phones, computers, etc.) outmoded.

The DART bio-chip is implanted within the heads of humans, making it easy for Starbreeze to execute a number of training levels that are too Tron-looking for my tastes. For players, however, the chips enable them to do all kinds of neat stuff, such as access various servers (except the ones at restaurants, unfortunately), unlock electronic doors, see through walls, and even ? get this ? make some of your enemies disoriented enough that they are forced to fall down dazed and confused, shoot their companions, or shoot themselves! Now, while that little piece of gameplay ? known here as ?breaching? ? might make Syndicate seem like it?s worth checking out in itself, let me assure you that it isn?t.

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Effective Skin Care Tips To Get Rid of The Oily Look Before Noon

If your skin always seems to be oily it?s possible that you have already decided to stop trying to fight against it. You can?t do much about genetics but you can do a lot about cutting back on your current level of oil production.

Washing your face obsessively is a mistake and bad for your skin. You need to have a layer of oil on your skin but you don?t want there to be so much that you start looking shiny. Good skin needs a little bit of oil because it keeps your skin moist, healthy and protected. If you are always washing that protective layer off of your face your skin will respond by raising the amount of oil that it makes. That may help you if you were not aware of it, and we have even more you can read about, as follows. Try also to visit the Meaningful Beauty reviews to gather more ideas about skin care.

Realize that there are things you can do by yourself that will reduce the amount of oil your face produces naturally. The best way to do this is to eat and drink healthfully, use high quality makeup and be aware of your skin type.

For example, if your skin is sensitive, you need to look for natural cosmetics and skin care products. The simple reason is regular products contain very many chemicals, and they can irritate and dry-out your sensitive facial skin. If your skin is always even mildly irritated, one potential reaction by your body is to increase the secretion of fluids and oils in the area in an attempt to fix the situation.

If you love wearing makeup, are you sure that you have chosen products that won?t worsen your condition? In addition, do you wear a lot of makeup or a heavy amount of it? If you wear a heavy layer of makeup you have two options: you can wear less (or lighter layers) or you can work harder each day to cleanse your skin. You need to do this because it is possible that your skin is reacting to the heavy layers of makeup in its attempt to keep your skin clean and clear. You should also be sure of the ingredients because you want to avoid any skin care product containing oil derived ingredients. The simple reason is you don?t want to pour gas on the fire.

If you don?t mind wearing a foundation, then we suggest finding a healthy foundation product as it will help to keep the shine from occurring. Good foundation keeps your skin protected from the rest of your makeup. During the day you can apply dabs of it as it is needed in the places where oily shine is most likely to happen. Once you start looking into the best methods for fighting against oily skin, you will learn just how simple it is supposed to be (and that, maybe, you?ve been making it harder than it needs to be). It is important that you become intimately familiar with your skin?you need to know exactly what kind of skin you have. It is important to know your skin type so you will know from what angle to attack the problem.

Achieve a great and smooth skin. Tracy Smith writes about many different types of health and beauty subjects. For additional info. Visit here:

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Technorati Tags: Crawford meaningful beauty, health and fitness, meaningful beauty

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Using Online Curriculum - IPP Photography Reference and ...

March 29th, 2012

We?ve home schooled for quite a few years. We?ve always used conventional books to cover the subjects and it?s worked very well. My middle children right now are close to starting junior high school grades and want to try on online curriculum for their studies. I spoke to a few other home school families that are doing their schooling online and they?ve all had very positive things to say about it. We?re going to give it a try for the boys, since they?re so interested in it.

Entry Filed under: Reference and Education

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Friday, March 30, 2012

Crocodiles Trump T. Rex as Heavyweight Bite-Force Champions, new study shows

ScienceDaily (Mar. 30, 2012) ? Paul M. Gignac, Ph.D., Instructor of Research, Department of Anatomical Sciences, Stony Brook University School of Medicine, and colleagues at Florida State University and in California and Australia, found in a study of all 23 living crocodilian species that crocodiles can kill with the strongest bite force measured for any living animal. The study also revealed that the bite forces of the largest extinct crocodilians exceeded 23,000 pounds, a force two-times greater than the mighty Tyrannosaurus rex.

Their data, reported online in PLoS One, contributes to the understanding of performance in animals from the past and provides unprecedented insight into how evolution has shaped that performance.

In "Insights into the Ecology and Evolutionary Success of Crocodilians Revealed through Bite-Force and Tooth-Pressure Experimentation," the researchers detail their examination of the bite force and tooth pressure of every species of alligator, crocodile, caiman, and gharial. Led by Project Director Gregory Erickson, Ph.D., Professor of Biological Science at Florida State University, the study took more than a decade to complete and required a diverse team of croc handlers and scientists.

"Crocodiles and alligators are the largest, most successful reptile hunters alive today, and our research illustrates one of the key ways they have maintained that crown," says Dr. Gignac.

The team roped 83 adult alligators and crocodiles and placed a force meter between their back teeth and recorded the bite force. They found that gators and crocs have pound-for-pound comparable maximal bite forces, despite different snouts and teeth. Contrary to previous evolutionary thinking, they determined that bite force was correlated with body size but showed surprisingly little correlation with tooth form, diet, jaw shape, or jaw strength.

Dr. Gignac emphasizes that the study results suggest that once crocodilians evolved their remarkable capacity for force-generation, further adaptive modifications involved changes in body size and the dentition to modify forces and pressures for different diets.

The team has been contacted by editors of the "Guinness Book of World Records" inquiring about the data.

Among living crocodilians, the bite-force champion is a 17-foot saltwater croc, with a force measured at 3,700 pounds.

"This kind of bite is like being pinned beneath the entire roster of the New York Knicks," says Dr. Gignac, illustrating the tremendous force displayed by the living creatures. "But with bone-crushing teeth."

The research was funded by the National Geographic Society and the Florida State University College of Arts and Sciences.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stony Brook University, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Gregory M. Erickson, Paul M. Gignac, Scott J. Steppan, A. Kristopher Lappin, Kent A. Vliet, John D. Brueggen, Brian D. Inouye, David Kledzik, Grahame J. W. Webb. Insights into the Ecology and Evolutionary Success of Crocodilians Revealed through Bite-Force and Tooth-Pressure Experimentation. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (3): e31781 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0031781

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Reasons For Choosing Hosting | DJs Internet Marketing Reviews

Thursday, March 29th, 2012 at 10:16 am ?

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Choosing the website hosting service for your company is a good thing if you actually want to do the web hosting business successfully.

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How To Make Money Online | The Article Resource Guide


One reason why people love the internet so much is the ability to make money online in a variety of ways. Harnessing the power of the internet is a great way to supplement your income. Once you get good at making money online, you can even turn it into a full-time job. However, before that happens you need to learn about the different ways you can generate revenue on the internet.

Start with a Website

The first step you will need to take when looking to make money online is to create a website. It does not matter what type of website you create since you can turn a profit with just about any website. Blogs, review websites, and Ecommerce sites are the most common types of websites that are easily monetized. Choosing to build one of these types of sites will enable you to make a few dollars off of the internet.

It is important that you decide what type of website you want to build before you get started in your quest to turn a profit online. The style of website you create will determine which monetization method you will use along with the promotion strategy that is best suited to drive traffic to that type of site. Also, it is important that you elect to build a website around a topic that you know a lot about and can create content for. Having quality content is very important when hoping to build a money making website.

Banner Ads

The most common way to monetize a website is through banner ads. These ads can be for any type of business, product, or service that is a part of the industry you are talking about on your website. If you decided to create a blog about running, you may want to approach local running stores about advertising on your website. Banner ads can generate revenue in two ways. The first way is through the number of impressions your ads receive on your website. The second way is by having your website visitors click on the advertisement. Both options are viable revenue generators; however, you will need to do a bit of split testing to see which method generates the most money.

Affiliate Marketing

Another popular way to generate revenue via the internet is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is when you refer a customer to a business and receive a percentage of the revenue they generate for that business. Affiliate marketing is a great way to monetize a review website or Ecommerce store. With a review style website, you can review the products or services sold by a specific store, convincing your site?s visitors that they should purchase those products. When your site?s visitors click on your link that takes them to buy the product you are reviewing, you will receive a portion of the revenue of that particular sale. Affiliate marketing has been around for a few years now and is becoming a popular method to use when looking to generate revenue from a website.

Promote your Website

In order to make the most money off of your website, you will need to promote your site in a variety of ways. The more promotion methods you use, the more visitors your website will receive. Using a combination of search engine optimization, pay per click advertising, and social media marketing will ensure that your website receives a constant flow of traffic. You do not want to put all of your eggs in one basket, so it is important that you utilize all of the different website promotion strategies to ensure a constant flow of traffic to your site.

If you have been looking for a way to supplement your income, consider building a website and making money online. Once you build a website you can monetize the traffic using banner ads and affiliate marketing techniques. So long as your website traffic does not dry up, you should have no problem making money online.


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'Global March to Jerusalem': Israel's borders on alert


By Lawahez Jabari, NBC News Producer

RAMALLAH, West Bank ? Palestinian organizers are calling for massive demonstrations on Friday to mark Land Day, an annual event that commemorates the killing of six Arabs who were protesting Israeli land policies on March 30, 1976.

Tens of thousands are expected to participate in what organizers have billed a "Global March to Jerusalem." The plan is to have protesters from neighboring countries march up to the Israeli border to "demonstrate solidarity with Palestinians and to protect Jerusalem," according to organizers.

The future status of Jerusalem is at the heart of the Palestinian movement and is the theme for the global Land Day. East Jerusalem is regarded as the likely capital of a future Palestinian state.

Dr. Mustafa Barghouti, a Palestinian activist, explained some of the reasoning for the march to NBC News during a recent interview in Ramallah.?

"In light of the total failure of the peace talks, and given the Israeli destruction of the last potential two-state solution through settlement activities, we realize nothing will change unless we change the balance of power," said Barghouti.? He added that organizers are trying to achieve that through this "non-violent peaceful resistance."

For many Palestinians, Land Day is an annual opportunity to demonstrate that Palestinians inside Israel, the West Bank and Gaza are united and share common goals.?

This year will mark 36 years since Israel?s practice of expropriating Arab land to build Jewish settlements provoked protests by Arab residents in the Galilee and Negev. In addition to the six people who were killed, over 100 wounded during the ensuing violence. Since then Palestinians have commemorated March 30 as Land Day and have turned the day into a general protest against what they see as discriminatory practices by the Israeli government. So it seemed an appropriate date for activists to hold their march.?

"The Global March to Jerusalem represents three things," said Barghouti. "First of all, the unity of the Palestinian people, and their struggle to achieve freedom and end occupation, for Palestinians in and out of Palestine; second, it affirms the centrality of the issues of land and Jerusalem to achieving Palestinian freedom; and third, it provides international solidarity with the Palestinian cause."

'Absolutely peaceful'
The organizers plan to send convoys of vehicles to approach Israel's borders simultaneously from four neighboring countries: Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon. According to organizers, more than 600 institutions from 64 states have been involved in planning the march. Protests are also planned outside Israeli embassies in Europe and Arab countries. Organizers say they are hoping for 1 million people to?demonstrate in various protests all over the world.

"The event is meant to be a non-violent protest that will include parliament members, citizens and religious figures from all over the world ? including Jews, Israelis will also protest with us," Saied Yaqin, one of the march organizers, told NBC News.

Organizers of the march insist the protests will be orderly.

"This march is absolutely peaceful and non-violent, and we will try everything possible to prevent violence," Barghouti said. "Of course, if they use violence against us, the world should protest. But the march is absolutely peaceful and nobody will try to provoke violence."

But Israeli Defense Forces aren?t taking any chances.

A statement released by the IDF said they are "prepared for any eventuality and will do whatever is necessary to protect Israeli borders and residents."

Israel has also issued a stern warning to Arab countries and Palestinians to refrain from approaching the border.

Soldiers along the border have been instructed to be on high alert and they will reportedly?have crowd-dispersal means at the ready and will also deploy marksmen. According to a Haaretz report, a so-called "skunk" device is being prepared that sprays a harsh-smelling substance at demonstrators.?



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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Signs to Change to Debt Consolidation Financial loans | Credit Card ...

The entire process of debt consolidation ultimately aims to repay various more compact financial loans by borrowing a bigger amount of cash. Now although borrowing more income and making more debt may appear to become a none too smart decision, this really is certainly the best towards the rule. When implemented, things tend to sort out to find the best. Continue reading and uncover more.

Usually, a debtor that has incurred multiple financial loans concurs to stay all his arrears and obligations utilizing a home loan. But observe that the equity from the house is also another financial obligation. Getting debt consolidation financial loans has already been an indication that that which you earn like a professional isn?t enough to repay your regular bills and you are utilizing your non-liquidized resource (your house) to pay for it.

There?s both great news and not so good news to get this kind of loan when utilizing your house equity. The positive thing is that you can to avoid overtime rates of interest from mounting up and therefore you?ll be able to save from the growing quantity of debt. Regrettably, when your debt be so large it dissipates your house equity faster than you?ll be able to pay for this, then you may have a difficult time claiming back your privileges towards the house. And extremely, the main one factor that you simply mustn?t quit if you prefer a fairly decent existence is the home.

So, are you currently presently situated in the proverbial fork within the road and never sure whether or not to get debt consolidation financial loans or otherwise? If you?re already going through financial troubles and turning every cent to pay the bills, maybe it?s about time you receive your financial obligations consolidated at soon as you possibly can.

If you do not ? or at best, should you won?t take any type of action, this is most likely very familiar for you while you look at this:

1. Your charge card company constantly increases its rates of interest

When this is actually the scenario, you have to heed your instincts and knock around the door of other charge card companies. It?s not unusual for credit companies to improve its rates of interest on their own clients who?ve constantly showed irresponsibility towards meeting payment due dates.

2. You?re already behind together with your bills for just two several weeks as well as your credit history has experienced greatly

If you?re ever likely to break or damage anything nowadays, get it done to another thing, but never, ever damage your good standing as well as your credit history. Credit reviews and scores are very important instruments to living a much better existence in the usa. If you think your credit ratings is going to be best after you have debt consolidation financial loans go for this.

3. You?re already being barred from using to prime financial loans due to your poor score.

Before something worse happens, do something! Re-finance your financial loans at the earliest possible chance and save from falling to subprime loan companies and loan sharks (who?re the only real ones who?ll find your credit rating appealing whether it falls under 500). It?s simpler to repay this kind of financial loans when you can get prime loan companies instead of being restricted to subprime.

If you already notice these signs, make contact with a business offering a house equity credit line and save from further financial degradation. Seriously ? speak with a debt consolidation expert, several if required, and you?ll begin to see the light in the finish of this very dark tunnel both you and your family members are stuck in.


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Marc Joseph, DollarDays International, Inc - CEO/President ...

This interview was made possible by our friends at



The marketplace for domain names.

With more than 30 years in the retail and wholesale industry, Marc Joseph is the founder of DollarDays International, a premiere online wholesaler that helps small businesses compete against larger enterprises by offering more than 165,000 high-quality goods at closeout and wholesale prices close to those at which large chains purchase the same merchandise. Products sold through the site are the same kind of categories if you walked into a Macy?s, Target or Wal-Mart. Joseph is confident that the Internet is the next channel for distribution of wholesale and closeout products. DollarDays has over 2.5 Million registered users and averages over 1,100 new customers a day registering with DollarDays.

DollarDays has evolved into the premier B2B wholesale and closeout site selling over 165,000 general merchandise products to small businesses, nonprofit organizations and entrepreneurs.

Marc Joseph, DollarDays International, Inc - CEO/President

MO: What were you doing before creating DollarDays? How did your background and experience help contribute to the development and success of the company?

Marc: Most of my life, I have been in retailing, from stocking the shelves of a men?s store in high school to being in the Department Store business with Burdines, the Discount Store business with Bill?s and the Specialty Store business with Everything?s A Dollar Store and Crown Books Store. So just about everything we do is based on the evaluation of how will the products we sell respond in a highly competitive retail marketplace. Early on, I learned you needed the right products at the right price at the right time to grow your business. That is why we concentrate on having a bunch of closeouts on our site to ensure having the right price; having fashion and trendy items for our customers to add to their stores; and offering a complete seasonal product line from Valentine?s Day to Easter to Halloween to Christmas so our customers have a one stop shop to fill their store needs.

MO: How has DollarDays evolved since you first started out over 10 years ago?

Marc: We felt that the Internet was going to be the next channel of distribution for wholesale and closeout products to small businesses, because very few major companies cared about the little guy; they would rather deal with the chains and ship truckloads. The Internet gave us an opportunity to offer a wide range of timely needed products to small businesses who were not exposed to these goods unless they went to the expense of attending trade shows or were lucky enough to have sales reps call on them; which in smaller town America was becoming a novelty because it was not worth it for a big company to go to a town for a $500 order anymore. So as we were consolidating a group of like buyers from all 50 states who needed the different products we carried, a funny thing happened along the way? Suppliers, who were not interested in going after customers individually through the Internet, found we had opened up a whole new marketplace for them, because they did not have the resources to call on each one of these stores. And now, where we used to have to beg vendors to sell to us by the case, we now have hundreds of suppliers coming to us to reach our market. So we were able to consolidate a market for buyers and at the same time create an efficient marketplace for sellers to expand their reach.

MO: DollarDays has experienced immense growth since you first launched in 2001. How have you managed to scale the business accordingly?

Marc: Scaling a business is a real challenge. Entrepreneurs are optimistic by nature, so with the glass being half full all the time, it is easy to be more aggressive than the business warrants. 6 years ago, we thought that just by adding sales people, the business should grow at the same proportion that the sales of each of the current salespeople were achieving. So we doubled our staff, doubled our facility and were not able to double our dreams. That lesson taught us that before you begin aggressively adding staff; make sure your current staff is completely maxed out in what they can do. If you surround yourself with people who share the same entrepreneurial spirit that you have, they will tell you when they have hit their point of maximum return and it is time to add. In today?s business world, companies are measured in productivity per person, and if you can manage that, you can scale a business.

MO: What do you attribute to the remarkable success of DollarDays? How are you different or better than your competitors?

Marc: Back in 2005, Hurricane Katrina hit, changing the way the USA deals with disasters. Because we are an Internet based company, nonprofit organizations found us and we began supplying products to these organizations to help those in need. We sold everything from blankets to socks to pots and pans. Whereas our original mission for DollarDays was to make small businesses competitive with the chains in their areas, this experience with Katrina opened up our eyes in that because we sold inexpensive goods, we could go a long way to help churches, schools and nonprofits support their charitable causes with our products. Today over 1/3 of our sales supports these nonprofits. By expanding our marketplace to include nonprofits along with our traditional business of small businesses and entrepreneurs, we have been able to differentiate ourselves on the Internet.

MO: What inspires you to give away thousands of dollars to businesses and non profits?

Marc: This recession has taken a major toll on businesses. Business owners don?t have the luxury of borrowing against their homes to expand their businesses because of the dramatic decrease in home values; and most are just happy they have survived what our country has gone through since 2008. Nonprofits got hit even worse. Most experts are predicting that the nonprofit world will take another 3-4 years to recover from our economic disaster. We made the decision that because even though nonprofits were seeing record cash shortfalls, these organizations were still reaching out to help the less fortunate trying to maximize the limited resources they had left and that should be inspiration to us all. At the same time, we were beginning to see how using Facebook gave us the opportunity to reach a broader market than our core customer base, so we thought if we could marry social media with helping nonprofits and struggling businesses, it plays right into our mission of being an Internet company with a heart.

MO: You wrote the book, The Secrets of Retailing or How to Beat Wal-Mart! (SilverBack Books). Can you give our readers a few retailing tips for free?

Marc: Never borrow money from your brother. Now, I am sure my brother would give me the shirt of his back, but the principle here is in small business retailing, don?t mix family with business. Only 31% of businesses survive after 7 years, and if you are in the two thirds that does not make it and you owe your family big dollars for helping you get started; then you have pretty much ruined the rest of your life.

In today?s world, retailing has turned into theater. Because of the intense competition and because the consumer is still stuck in the recession that has been haunting us the last 3 years, every day is a battle to separate your store from the competition. When I ran a department store branch store, I used to pretend every morning that the curtain was going up on a brand new show and that everything in the store had to be perfect so the audience would give us a standing ovation. Retailing is like theater in that people want to be entertained when they enter your store. So make an effort to not only having your store look fabulous, but offer the customers? periodic entertainment in your store like author signings in a book store, in store performances in a music store, tastings at food or beverage stores, fashion models at clothing stores or play demonstrations at toy stores.

Spending lots of dollars on traditional advertising is not the only way to get your message across. Guerilla marketing in your local market, which helps create the image of your store, can be just as effective. Look for the non-traditional publications like church bulletins, college newspapers, union newsletters, etc. to advertise hot trends or products from your store. Develop a relationship with your local media (Paper, TV and Radio) as the expert in your retailing field, so when the season comes you are the first resource they turn to when they want to know the hot toys for Christmas or the new fashion colors for Spring or what gifts men are buying their wives for Valentine?s Day or Mother?s Day, or what to look for when reading labels.

Every retail store needs to have a web site, even if it is to just to tell your customers what time you are open and how to get to your business. But in today?s rapid growth of shopping through the Internet whether it is using your PC or phone, your web site has developed into another store front and you must devote the resources to make your site as attractive as your store. The Internet has opened up an entirely new window of opportunity for small stores. You now have the opportunity to not only sell to your local market, but to sell goods all over the country?even the world. This new outlet gives the store owner the opportunity to turn their goods quicker and increase sales using the same footprint of their current retail location. To me, this is the most exciting opportunity retailers have had in the last 30 years to grow their business.


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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

UT Law Students For The Arts offers legal clinic for local artists ...

Austin360 blogs > Austin Arts: Seeing Things > Archives > 2012 > March > 27 > Entry

Once again, the University of Texas School of Law?s Law Students For The Arts will be offering a free legal clinic for low-income artists.

Volunteer attorneys will provide free legal advice on arts-related legal matters to low-income creative professionals such as artists, musicians and filmmakers. Attendees will be seen by appointment and can expect to spend up to 30 minutes receiving advice from an attorney.

Topics discussed may include copyright, trademark, contract, and any other legal issue related to the arts. Law students will assist artists in completing intake paperwork and clarifying the legal issue for which artists need advice. Cases not resolved at the clinic will be reviewed to see if further legal services can be provided at no charge.

This is third year Law Students For The Arts with support from Texas Accountants and Lawyers for the Arts has offered its free legal clinic.

For an appointment email

When: 6 to 9 p.m. March 28
Where: Jackson Walker L.L.P. , 100 Congress Ave.

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Commenting is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F


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Zacks Releases Four Powerful ''Buy'' Stocks: Fisher ...

For Immediate Release

Chicago, IL ? March 27, 2012 ? Four free stock picks are being made available today on The industry?s leading independent research firm highlights one Zacks #1 Rank Strong Buy or a Zacks #2 Rank Buy stock for each of the four main styles of investing: Aggressive Growth, Growth & Income, Momentum, and Value.

The four highlighted picks are: Fisher Communications ( FSCI), Fred's, Inc. ( FRED), Anheuser-Busch InBev ( BUD) and Saia Inc. ( SAIA).

Today, Zacks is promoting its ''Buy'' stock recommendations. Four daily picks are offered free.

From 1988 through the present ? a period that included serious corrections and recessions ? the Zacks #1 Rank Stocks have nearly tripled the market with a fully documented average gain of +28% per year.

Here is a summary of today's selected stocks that are now highly rated by Zacks:??????????

Aggressive Growth ? Fisher Communications ( FSCI)
Fisher Communications is a Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy) after making a sustained move into profitability. Strong EPS beats and higher estimates make this stock attractive to aggressive growth investors.

Zacks Guide to Aggressive Growth Investing (free!) -

Growth & Income ? Fred's, Inc. ( FRED)
Fred's, Inc. delivered better than expected fourth quarter results and provided bullish guidance for 2012 on March 21.

Zacks Guide to Growth & Income Investing (free!) -

Momentum ? Anheuser-Busch InBev ( BUD)
After pounding a couple pints of your favorite beer, the stresses of modern day society may seem just a little bit less severe.? Based on Anheuser-Busch InBev?s most recent earnings report and outlook, it seems that the world might be doing just that. It?s also the choice of much of the middle class and beer is, after all, the original social network.? (That?s what Anheuser-Busch InBev claims anyway).

Zacks Guide to Momentum Investing (free!): ?

Value ? Saia Inc. ( SAIA)
The transportation companies are at the front lines of the resurgent US economy. Saia Inc. is expected to grow earnings by 65% in 2012. This Zacks #1 Rank (Strong Buy) is also a value stock with a P/B ratio of only 1.2.

Zacks Guide to Value Investing (free!) - ?

How to Regularly Access Top Zacks Rank Picks for Free -

Underlying the four free stock picks is a simple truth that first appeared in a Financial Analysts Journal article published in 1979. Leonard Zacks, a Ph.D. from M.I.T. found that "earnings estimate revisions are the most powerful force impacting stock prices." ?Zacks #1 Rank is awarded to a stock when analysts sharply upgrade their estimates of what the company will earn.

Today, Zacks is promoting its stock recommendations by offering four daily picks free to those who register here:

About Zacks is a property of Zacks Investment Research, Inc., which was formed in 1978 by Len Zacks. The company continually processes stock reports issued by 3,000 analysts from 150 brokerage firms.? It monitors more than 200,000 earnings estimates, looking for changes.

Then, when changes are discovered, they?re applied to help assign more than 4,400 stocks into five Zacks Rank categories: #1 Strong Buy, #2 Buy, #3 Hold, #4 Sell, and #5 Strong Sell. This proprietary stock-picking system continues to outperform the market by a nearly 3-to-1 margin. ?

?More Free Stock Picks

Each weekday, new Zacks #1 Rank or Zacks #2 Rank stock picks are released on the free email newsletter, Profit from the Pros. Investors are invited to register for their free subscription here:

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Zacks Investment Research is under common control with affiliated entities (including a broker-dealer and an investment adviser), which may engage in transactions involving the foregoing securities for the clients of such affiliates.

Disclaimer: Past performance does not guarantee future results. Investors should always research companies and securities before making any investments. Nothing herein should be construed as an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any security.

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Zacks Investment Research
800-767-3771 ext. 9339

Visit for information about the performance numbers displayed in this press release.


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?A Better You ? Your Full week method to self-improvement ...

My partner and i frequently lost trust in how frequently I've examine and also heard of superstar a marriage failing almost left and right. Not that My partner and i health care (and personally I do not), it seems strange that any of us often discover picture and TV superstars seeing that flawless persons, located the story lifetime of riches and also attraction. I suppose we all have to prevent sticking our own heads in the clouds and also face truth of the matter.

There's lots of ways to suffer a loss of the sense of self-esteem despite of just how trivial it would obtain. But no matter what, we ought to all attempt to avoid suffer a loss of our own a sense personally.

So what does it decide to try to be a slash above the rest? Here are some of what you may think and also enhance that should be adequate for your week.

A single. Recognize your purpose
Are you wandering around through living along with little path : hoping that you'll discover happiness, health insurance success? Identify your health function or goal proclamation and you will have your very own exclusive compass that will cause you to the truth upper each and every time.

This may appear tough at first if you see you to ultimately be in a tight or perhaps dead end. There is however constantly that tiny loophole to change things all over and you may make a big difference in order to yourself.

3. Recognize your prices
Precisely what do you importance many? Make a list of your 5 best values. Some usually are security, independence, relatives, spiritual improvement, mastering. As you set the goals designed for 2006 - check your ambitions against the prices. If the mission will not align along with all of your top five prices : you may want to reassess it or bring up to date it.

The number must not dissuade you, preferably it will motivate you to try and do around you can ever wanted.

A few. Know the needs you have
Unmet demands can keep from located authentically. Take care of oneself. Do you have a must be acknowledged, to be suitable, to stay in control, to get enjoyed? There are so many people that were living their life without realizing his or her desires and most of which end up being stressed or perhaps disheartened for that matter. List the top 4 demands and get them all found before it's too late!

Five. Recognize your hobbies
You understand who you are and also anything you truly like in life. Obstacles like question and lack of interest will only restrict anyone, but will definitely not derail your chance to turn into someone you ought to be. Convey oneself and honor the people who has motivated one to become the extremely particular person you wanted to get.

5 various. Live internally
Build up your awareness of the internal wisdom through repeatedly reflecting alone. Commune along with nature. Relax in order to quiet the pre-occupied mind. For many individuals town slickers it's hard in order to also find the tranquility we would like even in your own residence. In my case My partner and i generally just remain in the dimly lit room and also play many established music. There is certainly good, yes, but popular music does temporarily relieve this savage beast.

A few. Merit your skills
Precisely what are your positive traits? What exceptional skills do you have? List about three - when you get caught up, ask the ones closest to you to enable recognize these. Are you resourceful, witty, fine with your hands? Locate ways to express the unique self via your skills. You can boost your self-confidence when you can actually share anything you recognize to other people.

Seven. Serve other people
After you live legitimately, many times that you grow a interconnected a sense currently being. When you are true to what you are, living your purpose and also giving of your skills to the world surrounding you, you provide back in provider anything you came to show to other people -your spirit : the essence. The gains for expressing the gift along with the ones close to you is definitely fulfilling, much more if it may be the eyes of the odder who can value anything you have done in their mind.

Self-improvement is definitely one type of do the job that is certainly worth it. It shouldn't remain within the confines of an office building, or even in the 4 factors of your own room. The visible difference lies within our own selves and how a great deal you want to change to your more effective.

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PBRT and prostate cancer: your breakfast read on ...

Posted on by Sitemaster

Ye of faith ? and ye of rather less faith ? in the merits of proton beam radiation therapy (PBRT) compared to other forms of treatment for management of localized prostate cancer may want to read through Robert Langreth?s article (?Prostate cancer therapy too good to be true explodes health cost?) posted this morning on the web site.

The article offers no new insights into the effectiveness or the safety of PBRT in the management of prostate cancer ? but it does nicely encapsulate what we do and don?t really know about the value and the cost issues surrounding the use of this technology in the disease than concerns most visitors to The ?New? Prostate Cancer InfoLink.

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Check Out These Handy Tips Before Starting Your Home Improvement

Choosing to improve a home is quite sensible in several ways. However, many home improvements can be a lot of work. The advice given here can help you make your house a better home, whether you simply want to improve your living space or if you have an eye on your home?s eventual resale value.

Stay on an even keel! Diminish the noises inside your house. If you have a fan that is wobbling or noisy, it probably needs to be balanced. You can just simply adjust the screws on the blades and on the motor. While you are adjusting those screws, thoroughly clean the fan and the blades as even a small amount of dust can cause your fan to be out of balance.

Stucco is a good option for outdoor siding. Stucco can be long lasting but it usually requires professional installation.

You may be able to make an improvement that will reduce your water bill through making plumbing more efficient. You can decrease the amount of water used by installing low-flow shower heads, water heaters and commodes. These types of fixtures make your home appear modern and environmentally friendly, as well as save you money on your bills.

Before beginning a home improvement project in your kitchen, fireplace or any part of your house with a gas line, be sure to turn off the gas at the shutoff location before starting. You must be very careful with these types of projects. You can be seriously injured or start a fire during the project.

Get motivated by making improvements you love. Including your own personal touch can make any project special.

See if the contractors you are interested in have the proper licenses for your state. Every state has a licensing board website you can use to check this information. Alternatively, you can call the board and ask. Unlicensed contractors are either bad at their job and lost their license, or aren?t real contractors at all.

If you are remodeling a home for re-sale, stick to the outside repairs before the internal ones that no one can see. A poor external appearance can be bad for sale prices, as well as the length of time a house stays on the market. Things like plumbing and heating can be tackled later.

You can avoid damage to your house?s foundation by directing rainwater away from the house. Try to make your yard slope in the direction of the street or make your downspout longer.

One important home improvement tip is to make sure that water runs away from your house when it storms. A simple fix would be to use a longer downspout to drain water further from your home, or you may need to increase the slope from your foundation to the street by grading.

Be sure to wear proper safety gear whenever you find yourself working around heavy equipment. That includes everything from back harnesses to gloves, helmets and safety goggles.

Make sure you get your plumbing and electric squared away before anything else. Plumbing and electrical repairs often require inner wall access, so plan these repairs first before you paint walls or do renovations. If you have your walls open already it will make it easy to do any other renovations.

A licensed real estate agent can be an excellent source for home improvement advice regarding adding value to your home. They?re in the market everyday and are able to help you decide which upgrades are desirable for buyers in your area.

Now that you know of some tips that you can use, you are now ready to start your own home improvement project. Make your renovation and home improvement ideas a reality through the use of your creativity and keep disasters at bay with the aid of the provided tips.

Not only do we write home repair hints, we also offer advice on Maryland mold issues. If you want to read more about Maryland mold remediation, make sure to view our website at!


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