Saturday, February 11, 2012

Russian business ethics

Several practical advises are given below, but majority of them would be applicable for many other countries (!).?However, the expectation to see Western model working in Russia like in other European countries could bring nothing, but the troubles.

  • Be patient.?It?s known that ?time is money?. As a result, Western businessmen are often impatient. They love to check the cost of time. InRussia, this, to a certain extend, is unlimited resource.?Patience is the major Russian virtue?so Russians are accustomed to wait for what they want. Foreigners, who expect quick conclusions of transaction can be really disappointed.
  • Be ready to meet Russian managers who often?have?dual ethics.?It is necessary to understand the difference between ?ours? and ?strangers?. Some studies in this area explain: ?As a rule, managers have the highest ethical standards in the circle of their personal connections (?our?), but at the same time the same people can easily violate all ethical standards with respect to ?strangers? (be dishonest, violate obligations, break agreements).?
  • Respect is everything.?Avoid impersonal messages. After obtaining proposal on the paper Russians can put it on hold ( ?to mature?) and wait for the personal contact. They assume that those who have no time to drop by, obviously don?t take the offer seriously.
  • Build personal relationship.Russians more entrust personal relations than contracts.Remember commercial laws and contracts do not mean?in?Russia?as much?as in the West.?Some consultants working with Russians specify that detailed contracts often follow an oral agreement concluded during informal meeting. (Is is really typical just for Russians?)
  • Use local consultants.?Many business rules have changed since yearly 1990 when first businessman put their foot on this ?terre inconue?.?Knowledge of Russian and experience in local environment play important role.Consequently, it is better to have local consultant than an expat.

Based on ?


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