Sunday, November 13, 2011

Gingrich and Santorum Confuse 'Civil and Dignified' with 'Obama-Bashing' (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | On Nov. 9, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum spoke at the Granite State Patriots Constitutional Conversation With America event in Hampton, N.H. What was supposed to be a presidential debate of a "more civil and dignified format" about constitutional issues rapidly descended into a bout of Barack Obama-bashing.

One of the basic questions framed to the two participants was: "What's the biggest constitutional failing of the Obama administration?" That's a heck of a set-up question. It presupposes that not only has the Obama administration suffered constitutional-level failure, but has done so enough times to provide a buffet of them for the speakers to choose from.

It's like the classic question, "Do you still beat your wife?" If the person says yes he confesses to spousal abuse. If he says no, he appears to be confessing to prior spousal abuse. It's a verbal trap with no real value.

Despite having such an easy set-up, Santorum appeared unable to work with the question. His dumbfounded look has been described as including head-scratching and appearing perplexed. He then did what any confused politician would do -- he let the other guy go first.

Gingrich made a joke of it, suggesting that answering the question would make the debate take a very long time.

When forced to come up with real answers, the two speakers gave patently useless ones.

Gingrich's offering was, "Not understanding which country he's president of." Gingrich must think that years of political service and a grueling 2008 campaign season made President Obama think he held an office someplace else. Just a hint for you, Newt: Here's a video of Obama's inaugural speech. The city around him is Washington. It's a safe bet that fact was not lost on the President.

Santorum fell back on the "one-word answer" strategy by saying simply, "Obamacare." Rick, that method hasn't worked since Saturday Night Live made fun of it during the Bush-Gore election season. Also, keep in mind that the Preamble to the Constitution specifically mentions "the general welfare." Suggesting that trying to take care of the citizenry is a constitutional failure makes you look almost as bad as that Dan Savage thing.

If the Republican Party wants to field candidates the country can take seriously they need more articulate, better educated people focused on civic issues instead of things like "creating a more virtuous society."


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